076; don't jinx that

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third person.

"i think we should start this off with the situation in the group chat," randy mentioned as corbyn was sat opposite him, staring at the ground, "they did mention they were worried about the future of the band."

"that was my fault," he shook his head, "i was being a dick and confronted them.. but still they should've-"

"i don't want to know if it was your fault or not," randy replied, "i want to know why you felt the need to snap and what you want to do because of it."

"i just think they're not being fair on an individual in the group," corbyn shrugged, "not just the band but our friend group."

"and the individual is your girlfriend? mollie?"

"...yeah." he slowly nodded, "randy i don't want to be a dick and make things awkward for everyone but i don't want to associate with people who don't want to treat my girlfriend like they treat everyone else."

"i understand that." randy nodded, "what are you guys doing right now about it?"

"right now we're giving each other space until we want to talk again."

"okay, you know we have to plan tour in a few weeks?" randy asked him as corbyn nodded, "they have all moved already, when are you doing that?"

"i was thinking the very end of september," he fiddled with his rings, watching his manager slowly frown and glance towards his calendar, "i can fly down as you need me and.. i just don't want to move all in one big jump yet."

randy sighed as he stared at his calendar, turning back to the boy and narrowing his eyes slightly while he tilted his head, "...you don't want to move, do you?"

"is that going to upset you?"

"no," he shook his head.

"my girlfriend is just worrying about being alone and she's not good with trusting herself on her own i just need to be with-"

"corbyn, i get it." randy interrupted him and nodded, "but doing all of this just for a girlfriend is a bit extreme. maybe if you were something more serious i'd understand, are you really willing to not help your band just for her?"

"what do you mean something more serious?" he asked.

"everyone else seems a bit more mature and serious in their relationships, they've stuck together and you two are always sort of confused." randy explained while corbyn stared at him blankly.

"because we've had to deal with things they haven't." corbyn argued.

"i'll make a deal." randy suggested, "you can move late september as long as she moves with you."

"why does she have to move?"

"so you're not constantly flying back and forth." he shrugged, "it'll be tiring for you and a pain for the band, i'd rather you were here. i think you're forgetting the band is more of a commitment than you think it is."

"my girlfriend needs someone there," corbyn shook his head and threw his hands up, "i know this band is important but i don't.. i'm not risking losing her for la."

"you won't lose her she'll be in-"

"i don't mean just the relationship." corbyn frowned as randy slowly nodded, "if you're going to sit here and force me to move at least let me move at the end of september."

"if you don't want to move then don't move." randy told him, "but i don't know how that'll work for the band."

"none of them speak to me anyway." he shrugged, "it'd be easier for the four of them if i wasn't in it."

"don't say that because i know you love-"

"it's easier if i just leave." corbyn said as he shrugged, watching randy's face fall as he shook his head.

"i'm not letting you do that."


"because you're passionate about the band."

"yeah i was until i realised the people i'm in it with are absolute assholes." corbyn explained, "i don't want to leave it but i'd rather things aren't awkward between a band who are supposed to be best friends."

"i'm not sure what kind of argument you're all in but just speak to each other," randy suggested, "sit down and explain stuff so you all get on good terms again, why don't you do that?"

"you don't get it," corbyn shook his head as he put his head in his hands.

"corbyn," randy said, "i want you in this band and i want you guys to be friends again, but i need you here in la so you can put all your time into this career, you're meant for this industry and i don't want that talent of yours to go to waste."

"even if you lived here, you can fly out to virginia whenever you're free," he continued and shrugged, "but i need you here, okay?"

"yeah but i-"

"i want you here by the middle of september." randy told him, watching corbyn look up from the floor with a frown.

"but that's earlier than the latest you want us." he argued, "you told us late september."

"if you want this band to reach its full potential then you have to be willing to make sacrifices." randy said as he huffed, "same goes for your relationship, you want it to work out then one of you make a sacrifice and decide what's happening."

"she's not moving here." corbyn shook his head.

"then you better start looking for a place to live," randy told him, "and you better be on good terms with the guys by the end of the week, i'm not dealing with this immature fall out."

"it isn't immature, they treat-"

"end of conversation." randy interrupted him with a slightly raised voice as corbyn rolled his eyes and stood up, storming out of his manager's office.

as the door to randy's office was closed, corbyn immediately came face to face with his four band mates stood outside, listening in to the conversation as frowns were obvious on their faces.

"we didn't know you were in la," daniel looked at him.

"well one of you told him the situation, what did you expect?" corbyn shrugged, noticing zach slowly backing up towards jonah, "it's a bit obvious who it was."

"i was worried about what it meant for the band." zach argued, "and none of us even know if you and mollie are in the friend group anymore, we want to apologise to her."

"no one is stopping you." corbyn looked at him, "you have her phone number, go apologise."

"why are you acting like senior year you again?" zach asked, the other three raising their eyebrows and glancing to the boy.

"zach," jonah mumbled, "why would you say that?"

"because he is." zach gestured to the boy, who was now blankly staring at him before pushing past them all and continuing his walk towards the exit of the building.

"wrong thing to say to him," daniel shook his head, "he doesn't like to be reminded of that."

"i think what he said was pretty mature," jack spoke up, "he's got a point, no one is stopping us."

"yeah well he will be now that zach said that." daniel frowned, "i have a slight feeling we're about to lose a band member."

"don't jinx that."


theories or thoughts hit me with them

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