093; put a ring on it

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third person.

the group had arrived in style for the show of the release of the band's album. the girls had all been sat in a section up and away from the rest of the audience with perfect view of the stage and the band's perfect view of their girlfriends.

mollie's first hearing of the album would be the show that night, and nicole wanted to make sure of that by forcing the girl to listen to mac miller full volume in her airpods on the journey to the venue, just in case a song started to play anywhere.

and so, with the five of them together in one spot and staring at the stage, the lights dimmed while the audience immediately got louder, a smile on each of their faces.

"i'm nervous," mollie turned to nicole, her hand on her chest, "my heart is racing."

"it's fine," nicole shook her head, her arm around the girl, "you'll like the songs and the audience can't get to you, it'll be fine."

with a nod of her head, the first song of the night began to play and the five boys appeared on stage.

and within seconds of the first song being performed, tears were already in mollie's eyes as she folded her arms, her eyes fixed on the one boy in the centre of the stage as nicole glanced to the girl every now and then with a small smile.

the entire show led mollie to cry more and more, with her trying to blink back the tears that would not stop falling as she listened to the lyrics of the songs that corbyn had wrote for her, too in her own mind to notice the boy watching her reaction to each song as he'd smile to himself and look back to the crowd.

it was only half way through the show when mollie caught a glimpse of her brother standing off to the side of the audience, his arms folded and in a almost 'proud dad' stance as he watched the band on stage, a wide smile across his face with astrid and iris beside him.

"i didn't know he was coming," mollie yelled to nicole, attempting to speak above the music.

"corbyn invited them," she nodded, "julie is at the hotel."

"why isn't he sat up here?" mollie asked.

"he's supposed to but he probably wanted to be closer to the stage," nicole shrugged and smiled, wiping the tears away from the girl's face, "he'd only be worried about your crying the whole time."

mollie nodded, turning back to the direction of the stage just as the band began one of their few final songs for the evening.

it was only the final song when she had to sit herself down and hide her face in her hands, her sobbing being silenced by the music and the other four girls looking down at her.

"his first mistake was leaving the most emotional song until last," charlie laughed while nicole placed her hand on mollie's shoulder.

"his first mistake was making a whole album about her," nicole corrected her, "mollie doesn't do sappy shit or compliments."

"fuck," she mumbled as she wiped her eyes, "i'm so in love with him."

"he's very in love with you." cara smiled.

"if that wasn't obvious enough," olivia laughed and folded her arms, "cara loves to point out the obvious."

"i'm not really sure what's going on anymore i don't live in la," cara argued, "i'm a new york gal."

"and we love you for that." nicole said.

after the final song finished and the night came to an end with the show, the fans began to exit the venue while the girls stayed in their seats to avoid the crowds and being approached by the fans.

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