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9:25 A.M.

"IF YOU WEREN'T DOING THIS WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING CASSIE?" Captain Nash had asked, while his team lingered in the kitchen savoring the aroma of his cooking. He decided to treat them to breakfast and maybe, actually devour it since normally before anyone could get their spoons in their mouths the alarm went off, signifying they had a call.

Cassie had just come from the rig, where she checked and made sure all the needed equipment was where it needed to be because the last thing anyone needed was to be on an emergency scene and discover they didn't have something they needed. Settling into a seat next to Hen she grabbed a plate from Bobby.

"Probably in prison, or dead. Whichever came first." She shrugged with a mouth full. Noticing the terrified stares from her co-workers she lets out a small laugh. "I'm kidding, I probably would have been a doctor or a stripper."

Hen chokes on her omelet, and Chimney pats her back. "A stripper?" She asked incredulously. "Really?"

"I'm a hundred and thirty-six pounds of sass and ass, is it really that shocking?"

"Alright Buckaroo, if you weren't a member of LAFD what would you be doing?" Chim asked.

"And don't say stripper because that's my thing," Cassie added.

"Uh-I don't know," He shrugged a look of confusion on his face. "I'm not getting fired am I?" Buck panicked, his eyes wide.

"That's inevitable," Chimney muttered to Cassie, stealing a few peppers off her plate. "I thought that already happened?" Cassie looked over and smacked his hand as he reached for another off her plate.

"He'd be a golden retriever." Hen proclaimed.

"Nah he'd be a bartender," Chim exclaimed.

"Mmm more like a bouncer at a bar," Cassie added.

Cassie and Chimney shared a look. "Bouncer at a strip club?"

"Bouncer at a strip club, probably where you would be working."

"Ha, very funny Chim." Cassandra scoffed looking towards Buck, who is always hyper and energetic was unusually quiet this morning. "What's going on with you blondie?"

"Just traffic sucks in this town unless you're driving ten tons of engine with sirens," Buck complained. "It took me almost two hours to get from Abby's place to the call center downtown, then back over here. I just told Maddie she needs to start Ubering."

Bobby sat a plate in front of Buck, "How's she settling in down there?"

"Well, she's a Buckley. Practically running the place." He laughed tossing an apple and catching it.

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