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OCTOBER 12TH, 2018
5:15 A.M.

"RISE AND SHINE!" A pillow smacked Cassandra in her face, startling her awake. Squinting her puffy pink eyes open, her vision adjusted to see her roommate Crystal next to her with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Cris no," Cassandra groaned, pulling her blanket back over her head, diminishing all of the morning sunlight in hopes of sleeping for a few more minutes. "Five more minutes."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Crystal ripped the blanket off of Cassie, causing said girl to raise up out of the bed and glare at her roommate.

"Alright what's your deal?" Crystal huffed sitting on the edge of the bed. She was concerned about her best friend's behavior, it wasn't like her to not be the responsible one of the two. Gasping with worry she jumped off the bed in sheer exhilaration at the sight of her dejected friend. "Does it involve me having to kick someone's ass?"

Sighing sadly into her pillow covered in the previous nights tears, Cassie continued to let her feelings about the tragic escalator accident get to her. "Cris no."

Furrowing her brows Crystal asked, "Well are you pregnant?"

"What? Cris no!" Cassie laughed throwing her tear stained pillow at her friend, befuddled at such a suggestion. It was the first real laugh she had since yesterday.

"Well what's going on?" She asked in a soft voice. "You know you can always talk to me."

Smiling softly at the affection, Cassie finally sighed realizing her friend wouldn't let up until she found out what was going on with her. "A man died yesterday." Cassie sniffled, a tight feeling in her chest as she remember the man's distraught fiancé breaking down into her arms begging for her and Chimney to do anything to save the man, whose pulse had already stopped. "My team, we tried to save him, and we did everything we could, but we just couldn't."

Crystal sighed in relief that her best friend wasn't pregnant or in any real potential danger knowing what trouble they used to get into. "You are a damn good firefighter Cas, no matter what. Losing people is a part of the job, but that doesn't make you any less of a first responder."

"Now," Crystal huffed and pulled a resistant Cassie out of bed. "Get your ass up and go save lives." Crystal demanded shoving the woman into their shared bathroom and shut the door behind her. "Be ready in fifteen or else."

Wasting no time she began her morning routine in getting ready for work. "Well it's a great day to save lives I guess." Cassie repeated to herself, having a feeling that it just might be a great day indeed.


OCTOBER 12TH, 2018
6:45 A.M

𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 ━ 𝟗𝟏𝟏 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now