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2:44 A.M.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP?" Buck asks Cassie who was casually scrolling through her phone while sipping on hot chocolate on the couch. She had been having nightmares recently, and just decide to stay upon rather than attempt to go back to sleep. "Could ask you the same thing, todays the big day."

"I know. I'm so ready to get back out there." He sat beside her with a huge smile on his face. Alice had given him the okay to take his recertification exam, and Buck had talked non-stop about it. Not that Cassie minded, she missed him being out there with her. These last five months had been rough, but she promised she would be by his side no matter what. All the surgeries, all the physical therapy, all the late night crying sessions and motivational speeches had an impact on them both. He was determined to get back on his feet and save lives again.

"I can't wait to have you back Buckley." She squealed in excitement. "You're gonna ace the exam, and then we're celebrating and I'm not taking no for an answer." She demanded tossing a few more marshmallows in her hot chocolate.

"Speaking of celebrating," Buck trailed off. "Why didn't you tell me your birthday was today?"

Cassie huffs through her nose cursing to herself that she now had to explain to Buck that she hated her birthday, "I don't really celebrate my birthday." She stands up from the couch averting her eyes from the man.

"C'mon you can't just not celebrate your birthday." Buck followed behind the woman into the kitchen, wondering why she wouldn't want to celebrate her birthday.

"I can." Cassie dismissed rolling her eyes. "It's just another day for me."

"So you're telling me you never celebrate your birthday like ever?" Buck questioned, with furrowed brows. "A birthday is such a special day Cass. It's like a selfish Christmas devoted just for you." His mind still racing with a million different things, but one thing he knew for sure he had to change the mind of his best friend. "Buck, I know you're just being you, but you gotta drop this." Cassie pinched the bridge of her nose.

"How about after I pass my recertification, we celebrate?" Buck offered softly, hoping to change her mind. Propping her arms on the counter she scanned his face, the hopeful puppy dog expression on his face. The hopeful smile burning in her brain, making her feel guilty about dismissing her birthday. It was just some things about herself that she wasn't ready to share with everyone yet. It was too hard, too painful to relive.

"Fine but nothing big. Just a cupcake and a candle." She warned conceding and earning a whoop of excitement from the man.

"I'm already regretting saying yes." She mumbled to herself, a hint of a smile on her face.

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