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MARCH 11TH, 2019
4:09 A.M.

"EVAN BUCKLEY WHAT THE HELL!" Was the first thing Cassie that came out of her mouth when loud music filled her ears at four in the morning. Guns N' Roses was blasting from Buck's bluetooth speakers, and Cassie was about to beat the hell out of Evan Buckley for abruptly awaking her from her slumber. The two were still adjusting to living together, and so far they hadn't burned down the apartment complex. Yet.

Grabbing her fluffy pink robe from the doorknob on her closet, she quickly shoved her arms in the sleeves and lazily tied the straps around her waist. She stepped into the living room where she found a shirtless Buck doing push-ups on the hardwood floor. "Buck what the fuck?!" Cassie shouted over the music, before turning the speaker off. Cassie was a monster when she didn't get her sleep, and it was evident. Her eyes were dark with circles and her bonnet was fighting to stay on her head of curls.

"Morning Cassie." Buck grunted still doing his morning exercise routine. Still shirtless might she add. "Morning? Blondie the sun isn't even up yet! It's the ass crack of dawn, and you're doing," Cassie shouted, still very befuddled squinting her eyes to make sure what she was seeing was real. "Whatever the hell this is."

"It's called my morning routine." Buck sasses, moving on to doing his sit-ups. "To keep me in shape." She huffs, picking up one of his sweaty towels and throwing it at him. "At four in the morning?"

"How else am I supposed to look this good?" Buck smirked, while Cassie rolled her eyes at the man, resisting the urge to throw him and his stuff onto the sidewalk right outside their apartment.

"You're unbelievable you know that?" She scoffed in disbelief, as he stood from his crouching position on the floor and towered over the shorter woman. The towel she'd thrown at him now wiping the remaining droplets of sweat off his chest, and his forehead. "Please Cassie let me stay, I'll clean, I'll pay rent, I'll be the best roommate ever." She mocked in an exaggerated voice, attempting to sound like Buck.

"Ok first off, I sound nothing like that," He laughed. "And second I am the best roommate ever. I even cook you breakfast."

"And that is why I keep you around." She huffs making her way back to bed, hoping to get a little more sleep before sunrise.


"WHAT ARE WE THINKING GAS LEAK?" Chimney asked as the 118 arrived on the scene of a call at a plastic surgeon's office. The office was an absolute ghost town, deserted and quiet, which gave the place an eerie feeling as the team strolled in with their bright yellow Level B hazmat suits, which protected them from possible dangerous chemicals and airborne particles. The call was made about all the doctors falling unconscious, which would explain why everything was so chilling and unnerving. "Obviously, look how we're dressed. We look like a cult of Big Birds." Cassie sighed still slightly unnerved by the silent doctors office, and jumped slightly when the phone rang in the distance.

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