*SMUT* || Countertops

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Inspired by Stargirl Interlude

Word Count: 2,149

Ambrose's POV

   I woke up to the sun's natural light pouring into my room through the open window. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned, trying to wake myself up a little more. Standing up, I flexed my muscles a tad to try and shake off the excess sleep, before going over to my drawer and sliding on a pair of underwear. Looking at the clock on my bedside table, it read 12:34 PM, I slept in a little later than usual.

   Walking out of my bedroom, I was greeted by the sight of Lana in the kitchen to my right. The TV was going in the living room that my door opened up to, and a Dodger's game was on. Of course. Lana's back was turned to me, as she was currently leaning against the kitchen island, in one of my baggy band tees and her underwear, scrolling through who knows what on her phone.

   Slowly walking up behind her, I took her in, smiling a little to myself. How the hell did I get so lucky? As soon as I got close enough, I wrapped my arms around her, spooking her a little bit, and put my head on her right shoulder, looking down at her phone.

"Sorry to scare you babygirl, what're you doin'?"

   Her laugh could light up the sky, I could feel her smile.

"Just waiting for you to wake up."

"Well, I'm up, good morning, babygirl."

   She giggled a little and pointed to the clock on her screen with her thumb.

"Its after noon, silly, so good afternoon, baby."

   I grinned a little against her cheek, kissing it a little.

"Good afternoon."

   We then stood there in silence for a good minute or two, just being in each other's presence. I turned a little towards her cheek again and kissed it, closer to under her ear, on her jawline. I kept giving her little kisses around that area until she sighed, it was permission for me to go a little further.

   So I did just that, I kissed her behind her ear this time, giving a little flick of my tongue, before I sucked on her earlobe gently. Her breath hitched slightly, and I could feel her smirk.

"Someone's a little excited."

   She wiggled her hips a little, causing her ass to ever so slightly grind against my hard-on. That only made me more excited.

"Looks like you're trying to rile me up, babygirl."

   I turned her head towards me a little bit with my left hand, and she bit her nail, smiling innocently at me.


   She did it again, while looking me in the eye, still smiling like she hasn't done anything. I simply smirked at her and leaned my hips into her ass, watching for her reaction. She stopped biting on her nail, and her innocent smile dropped, her face almost looking satisfied as she sighed deeply, closing her eyes.

   Her eyes fluttered open, and I was staring deeply into them, expressionless. She stared back, breathing a little deeper. She always loves when I look at her like this, because she never knows what I'll do, but she knows it'll always result in her pleasure.

   Suddenly, I quickly turned her body towards me, "trapping" her between my arms as I laid my hands on the counter on either side of her, just taking her in. I looked her up and down, and I saw her looking at me for my approval, even though she always knows she'll get it.

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