*SMUT* || Truly, There's Nobody For You, But Me

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Word Count: 6,978

Lana's POV

I was currently greeting guests as they made their way into my home. I was having a launch party for NFR, and was very nervous, but excited. There were definitely more people that showed up than I expected, but that made it all the more worth it. People were just as excited for this as I was.

The last of the guests had arrived and now I was mingling with a lot of them. Eventually, Jack had found me in the crowd and pulled me along to the front, making me roll my eyes, smile, and excuse myself from whom I was talking to.

Jack turned on a microphone and handed it to me. I cleared my throat, not really noticing that he had turned it on. But guests had heard me and quieted down as they turned towards me. All of their sudden attention surprising me, and making me nervous.

Giving a nervous smile, I shifted a little in place, and looked over to Jack, who gave me a reassuring smile.

"Hello everyone, and uh, thank you for coming tonight."

There was a brief moment of silence before I spoke again, more confidently this time.

"As you all may know, tomorrow is the official released date of Norman Fucking Rockwell!"

There was a cheer that rang through the crowd, making me smile.

"Everyone who has helped me with this album means so much to me. I couldn't have done it without you all."

There were warm smiles on the majority of the guests' faces.

"Now, I won't take up too much of your time.."

My eyes had skimmed near the door and did a double take. My hand started to shake and I couldn't seem to find the rest of my words.

"So.. uh, have a good rest of.. your evening.. please! Enjoy!"

I absentmindedly handed the mic to Jack, my eyes still trained on the door. Jack noticed my strange change in demeanor and whispered if I was okay. I nodded with a faraway look on my face, knowing he was talking to me, but not quite hearing what he was saying.

I then stepped away from the front of the room and made my way towards the door, everyone looking at me with a slight bewildered or worried expression. But I didn't pay them any mind. Soon, Jack was speaking, but I couldn't pay attention to his words.

As if I was in a trance, I slowly made my way to the front door, where I could see a familiar figure standing there. Once I was close enough to make out the face, I froze, only a few feet away from him...


Hearing his name, he turned towards me. Holy shit. He's changed a lot in the past year. His style was completely different, and he seemed fitter, I didn't even know that could be possible for him. Instead of sporting his more hippie-eqsue outfits, he was now wearing a leather jacket, along with a simple, but fitting, crisp white tee, and jeans, his shoes seemingly some sort of biker boots.

As he took off his sunglasses, I really paid attention to his face. His beard was longer, but still just as put together, and his hair was a bit longer on the top, so now he could slick it back with no trouble.


His fucking smile. That goddamn smile that I fell in love with, and that broke my heart. Why the hell was he here? After a year?

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now