Not what you're hoping for unfortunately 😅

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Hey all! Would just like to say thank you so very much for the immense support Ive gotten from you all, y'all warm my heart so damn much ❤️

I just wanted to do this sort of "author's note update" to say that since school has started for me, updates will be even less frequent -cause it's not like they were very frequent in the first place- and I apologize greatly for that.

But, I guess some good news coming from that, is that when I do update, I will try and make them worth while of the wait! So expect long installments/chapters/etc.

Also, if any of you are interested in RDR2, a video game I'm very fond of, I'll be trying to upload some drabbles of that on Ao3!

I might make a bigger transition to Ao3 with all of these works, but I'm not sure yet. Wattpad just isn't quite the place for me 😅 But I still love all of you that are on here! And that transition does not mean that I will be taking down anything, it just means that if you want to read further content, or new books, they might be on Ao3:)

Alright, I think that's long enough, I will also be posting this to my other books, so if you read those as well, and see an update from them, it's just this until further updates:)

Stay safe y'all xo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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