*SMUT* || Five Star Meal

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Ambrose is hungry and Lana is the only one that can provide him with a meal.

That is all.

Word Count: 5,436

Ambrose's POV

   I had just woken up from a nap, and was currently on my way up the stairs to see if Lana was in the bedroom. I had fallen asleep with my head in her lap on the couch, and was kinda sad when I woke up and found a pillow under me instead.

   Getting to the top of the stairs, I heard the TV in the bedroom going. Smiling a little, knowing that she was watching some TV, I made my way down the hall and peaked my head into the open bedroom doorway. Seeing her there, lying on the bed, typing something on her phone, I smiled a little, finding her adorable without even trying.

   Walking in, I made my way towards her, catching her attention once I knelt at the end of the bed and slid down into a laying position, just between her legs. She set her phone down by her side and smiled at me curiously.

"Whatcha doin' down there?"

   I grinned a little as I laid my head on her thigh, looking up at her and stroking her other thigh softly with my hand.

"I'm hungry.."

   Her smile widened as she reached down to run her fingers through my hair.

"Well then cook something, silly.. Or do you want me to cook for you? Is that why you're here?"

"I'm not hungry for that kind of food.."

   She quirked her brow at me, confusion evident on her face.

"Well, if you don't want food.. then what do you mean by saying you're hungry?"

   My grin grew a little wider and I looked down as I slowly moved my hand closer to what I was hungry for. She gave me a suspicious look, skeptical of what my next words would be.

"I'm kinda in the mood for some.."

   I rested my hand just above her cunt, before looking up at her and pressing down gently, eliciting a gasp from her.


"O.. okay, then.. Not what I-"

   She abruptly stopped mid sentence, and took in a sharp breath when I slowly moved my hand lower, pressing the flat of it against her clothed pussy.

"Was expecting.. Mmh, god.."

   My grin turned into a smirk as I watched her eyelids flutter a little, before regaining her composure and looking down at me with wide eyes.

"You really want to eat me out right now?"

"Of course I do.. unless, you don't want me to?"

"What if I said that I didn't?"

"Well, firstly, I'd think you're lying, but then if you actually didn't want me to, I'd be okay with it and cuddle you.. but, you wouldn't deprive a man of his meal, now would you?"

   She bit her lip a little as she grinned.

"Depending on the man, maybe, but I'll definitely provide my man with a meal."

   I laughed a little and hooked my fingers under the waistband of her leggings and panties.

"Well, I sure hope I'm the only man you're providing a meal for."

"Don't worry, you are. You're the only one that eats it up the best anyways."

   I grinned a little more and got onto my knees, kneeling between her legs, now face to face with her since she was sitting back against the headboard this whole time.

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