A Drabble

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Since I haven't posted anything in a while, and I'm still working on a lot of things that are taking longer than I anticipated and wanted to, I gift you this.

Word Count: 700

"Look at me."

He relentlessly pounded into her pussy from behind, having grabbed her hair and forced her head back so her back arched as well. He looked down into her eyes from above and growled.

"God, you're so fucking amazing."

He used his other hand that was holding her hip to slap her ass, making her yelp and moan loudly.

"Mmh, you're so fucking fuckable.."

He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth sloppily, untangling his fingers from her hair and instead holding her there by her throat, his fingers splayed against it as she tilted her head back more to kiss him, her back arching even more.

He hadn't slowed down his movements at all. His hips slapping against her ass caused a loud slapping sound to resound in the room every time they met. He briefly looked towards the headboard Lana was using for support and saw that she was holding onto it for dear life.

"Let go, darling."

Her hands slipped from the headboard and that gave him the safe opportunity to let go of her throat, take hold of her hair once more, and press her face into the mattress. He fucked her as hard and as fast as he could, using both of his hands to hold her hips as he drilled into her with no mercy.

"Oo-oh my fucking goddd!!"

She kept her head pressed to the mattress, the pleasure almost too much to do anything other than just lay there and take it.

"That's right, take it, take it like the good little dirty whore you are."

She just moaned loudly, nearly screaming from how much pleasure he brought her over and over and over with each hard, fast, and deep thrust. She reached back with her hand to try and feel for him, but he pinned her hand down.

"But- I'm- cum- yes- gonna- shit!"

Her complete jumble of words made him smirk, she was a complete mess, moaning without a care in the world and screwing up her sentences, all because of how good he was fucking her.

"No, I don't think you are, bad girls like you don't get to come whenever they please."


"But nothing, be a good little girl, and hold it."

She moaned loudly, screwing her eyes shut and tried to focus on anything but cumming. She gripped the sheets until her knuckles turned white, then shook her head rapidly.

"I can't- I have to-"

"No. Now fucking hold it."

"Oh- god- sir, please- I need to-"

"You're gonna hold it until you earn it, understood?"

She moaned loudly, clenching her teeth together so tightly, he was concerned they'd break. She only lasted a few seconds like this before she went slack and her eyes rolled back, her thighs shaking violently, and her moans increasing in volume.

"I'm- I'm- coming..-"

He only barely slowed his movements as he felt how tightly she was clamping around him. It made him stutter a little and sent a shiver down his spine. But, he still fucked her through her high, secretly wanting it to last as long as it could for both of them.

Once she came down from her high, she started to spasm, her cunt so sensitive, that it was borderline painful now. She lifted her head as best she could, and sorta reached back to try and push him away, but was still so disoriented, she couldn't find him.

"Stop- too- sensitive-"

He just chuckled a little and leaned in closer to her, stopping his movements abruptly and filling her up as much as he possibly could, just sitting there, making her whimper and moan loudly.

"No, you didn't listen to me. You know what happens when you don't listen to me?"

She slowly shook her head. He grabbed her hair and slightly tugged it back.

"You come when I want you too, no matter if you're ready to or not."

She only moaned, clenching her teeth together. It looked like she was about to respond, but before she could, he sped back up, and started to drill into her once more.

"Oh, fuck!!"

"Take it, take it all. I know you can."

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