*SMUT* || Can Of Gin

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

For someone very special. They know who they are, have a happy birthday. ☺️

(Btw, this is like current Lana.)

Word Count: 5,714

Ambrose's POV

Getting out of my car, I slowly walked up the stairs of my outdoor hallway apartment complex, threading my fingers through my slightly messy hair. It was a long day at work.

Getting to my door, I fished my keys out of my pocket, found the right one, and slid it into the lock. Hearing it unlock, I pushed it open and stepped inside. Closing the door and flipping the lock again, I took off my shoes and set my keys on the little table by the doorway.

Already in the kitchen, I went over to the fridge, opened it up and searched around for my favorite.

Lana's POV

Hearing the door open and close, I listened from the bedroom to see if the fridge would open. Of course it does. I sighed and got up.

Walking over to the doorframe, I leaned against it and watched as Ambrose searched for his favorite daily drink. Gin.

Finally finding it, he pulled it out and closed the fridge. Popping the cap off, he took his first swig of many. I could see him visibly relax. I sighed again, leaning my head against the doorframe.

He turned around and saw me, his expression becoming unreadable. He walked over to the couch, basically in front of me, and continued drinking.

"Come to bed, baby, please? Just tonight."

He looked over at me with that same blank expression and sighed, then leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

I pouted and decided to do something about his distant mood. Tonight I was going to get at least something.

I stopped leaning on the doorframe and walked over to where he was. He probably saw me out of his peripheral, because he turned his head towards me, a confused look on his face. At least I could actually tell what he was thinking now.

I stood in front of him, before straddling his lap. His eyes went wide with confusion and his brows furrowed. He put a hand on my waist out of instinct and I subtly sighed in satisfaction.

I cupped his cheek with one hand, running my thumb over his slightly scruffy face. He hasn't shaved in about two days. I liked it though. With my other hand, I threaded my fingers through his hair, combing it back. He sighed lightly, closing his eyes, and I gave a small grin.

When he opened his eyes again, I slid my other hand down to his other cheek and was now cupping his face.

"Please, baby? I miss you so much."

His green eyes slowly got a little darker than normal as I looked into them with my own. I put my left hand on his chest and leaned a little closer to his ear. His breathing changed ever so slightly.

"I'll be your good girl. I promise."

When I leaned back to face him again, looking in his eyes, I could see they were filled with pure lust and want.

"I know you want it. Just take it."

He closed his eyes and I could hear a small groan come out of him. He sat up, making me sit fully on his lap, and set the bottle on the table.

I guess realizing I was fully seated on his groin, his member reacted. He was already hard, but by sitting up and creating even a little bit of friction, he was even harder.

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