*SMUT* || Like A Toyota

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

(But it's Lizzy Grant Era and this is inspired by Poolside, especially that motel scene.)

(But it's also inspired by Arcadia. Look at me, joining the oldest (or older) era with the newest era.)

(Also, in case, just to be clear, Ambrose is 30 in this, and I believe Lana would've been 25 in 2010. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

Part 2???? If you want it.

Word Count: 6,000

Lizzy's POV

   I was currently lying in a lounge chair by the pool, trying to block out the loud chattering happening around me. We were having our annual weekend barbecue, which, I usually love having them and love catching up with the people that come. Today though, I just really wanted some peace and quiet by the pool, but of course, one can't always have what one wants.

   I huffed in annoyance, looking around me, wishing I had a cigarette on me, so I could relieve at least some of the tension. Closing my eyes again, I frowned as it suddenly got a little darker; knowing someone was standing in front of me, blocking my sun, I opened my eyes quickly, trying to refocus them on the person's face.


   Realizing that it was someone who didn't deserve that attitude, I quickly changed my tone, smiling.

"Oh, Ambrose, it's you."

   He grinned a little, almost smirking. He then sat down on the chair next to me, allowing the sun to shine back on me. I gave him a curious glance.

"You need something?"

   He shrugged his shoulders a little, folding his hands, his forearms on his knees, and leaned forward. I subtly looked him up and down, inspecting his outfit.

   It consisted of some board shorts that were a little on the longer side, and a crisp, white, almost dress shirt, that was unbuttoned half way and the sleeves were rolled up. He also had his sunglasses on.

   He looked hot.

   Wait- no. I cannot think of him like that, he's my dad's friend-

   But also.. there's nothing wrong with simply admiring, right?


"Just wanted to say hello, see how you were doing. Haven't seen you in a while since I've been pretty busy and can't make it to these things."

   He ran his fingers through his already tousled hair and I grinned, trying to do anything but bite my lip-

"I've been pretty good.. bored as hell though. I've been sitting here and doing nothing.. no one likes to have fun here."

   I pouted as I turned my head towards him more. He grinned a little.

"If I'm being honest, I'm bored too.. Really only came to make the food because I know Rob can't cook, even if his life depended on it."

   I laughed a little as he did too. He was right, my father couldn't cook even the simplest of things. I always know there's gonna be good food when Ambrose shows up.

   We stayed silent for a few moments before I decided to see if he could possibly help me with the tension.

"Hey, do you have a cigarette?"

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now