*SMUT* || Across That Room (I See Another With You)

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Word Count: 5,601

Lana's POV

Ambrose and I were at a party tonight, Rocky's place to be more specific. I was currently coming back from the kitchen with some soda for us. I got to our little corner of the room, where we basically set up our "meeting point", we always have one in case one of us loses the other at some point in the night.

As Ambrose finally came into view, I stuttered a little in my walking. He was currently dancing with some of our close friends and one of the girls was too close for comfort.

I continue walking towards them, trying not to think about it. When I got to Ambrose, I squeezed his bicep gently and he looked over at me. I smiled as I raised his cup for him to take, and he took it with a smile of his own.

Then he continued dancing.

I stood there a little confused, as he usually says 'thank you', or something along those lines. I stepped back a little bit and took a sip of my drink. I watched on as Ambrose slid his hands up and down her sides.

What in the actual hell?

I went over to him and turned him towards me. He looked annoyed as he rolled his eyes. He's never done that to me before, what was up with him? Our friend looked at us, confused, but immediately started to walk away once she saw my face.


I looked over to Ambrose once I saw her completely disappear into the crowd and he was looking down at me with an angry expression. I grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd, looking for an empty room. I heard him groaned behind me as I pulled him along.

Finding the bathroom empty, I dragged him in there by the arm, turned around, and closed the door. Turning back to him, I crossed my arms.

"What the hell was that, Ambrose?"

He tilted his head and scoffed.

"I was just dancing, Lana. There was nothing going on if that's what you were getting at."

It was my turn to scoff.

"Nothing? Your hands were all over her."

He huffed out an exasperated laugh.

"All over her? I was barely touching her!"

He raised his voice slightly and my gaze turned cold. He's never raised his voice at me, especially like that.

"I can't believe you right now, Ambrose."

"You can't believe me? Listen to yourself, you sound childish."

I squinted my eyes at him, I was pissed off now.

"I'm not the one dancing with other girls.

He stopped for a moment, then tilted his head, studying me. I got annoyed.

"What are you looking at?"

"Are you.. jealous?"

I scoffed.

"No, just pissed off."

Of course I was fucking jealous.

"Well, there isn't anything to be pissed about. I was just dancing."

I just shook my head. I wasn't going to do this right now with him.

"Once you learn how to keep your hands off other women, come find me."

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