*SMUT* || Crying Out Loud

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Continuation of Crying In Your Sweatshirt and Crying Through Our Song. So, Part 3.

Word Count: 7,439

Ambrose's POV

   It's been three, long, weeks since that night Lana and I made up on her living room couch. It definitely took some time, and lots of gifts and date nights, but slowly, we've gone back to normal.

   Except for one thing. We haven't had sex for basically two months.

   My sexual frustration is killing me. And I think Lana's is too. The sexual tension is high.

   Watching movies late at night, snuggled up on the couch, I catch myself thinking about it at least once every time. I have to force those thoughts to the back of my mind, so I don't let my body do something completely inappropriate at a completely inappropriate time.

   It's definitely awkward between us, and it makes it hard to do anything slightly intimate. Like cuddling. One of us moves a certain way, and we're both trying to act like whichever one of us didn't just let out a gasp from it.

   And, not to mention, whenever Lana excused herself to go to the bathroom, she takes a bit longer than usual, each time.

   Yesterday morning was no different.

----- Yesterday -----

   She woke up before me, waking me up with a kiss on my forehead. Which made me smile while coming out of my sleep. She quietly told me that she was going to the bathroom, before she got up, rummaged through her bedside table for something, then went in there, closing the door.

   I waited patiently for her, stretching slightly, and crossing my arms behind my head, looking out the window, where the first signs of morning were peaking through the trees, and lighting up the dark sky slowly. It was a few minutes before I heard what sounded like a sigh, but was too muffled to tell for sure, come from the bathroom. Turning my head towards the door, I waited and listened for it again, but heard nothing. Thinking nothing of it, I turned my head back towards the window.

   Not even a minute later, I heard the same thing, but a little louder now. Slightly worried, I moved up onto my elbows and listened for more. Something resembling a gasp sounded from behind the door.

"You okay in there, babe?"

   My voice broke through the silence of the room, and what followed after seemed to be even more silence, the sounds completely stopping in the bathroom.

"Uhm, y-yeah, I'm fine. Just getting ready.. my, uh, curling iron burned me. Touched it by accident."

   She sounded slightly out of breath, making me furrow my brows slightly, but I let it slide.

"Alright, just.. don't burn yourself any further! Can't have you getting hurt."

   She sort of awkwardly laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't."

   The silence then fell back over us, awkward silence at that, making me shift slightly in place.

   It wasn't long before I heard what sounded like a moan. Then several muffled ones followed, also accompanied by a sort of cry before it too, was muffled.

   Silence followed for a long time, thirty minute or so, before she came out of the bathroom, looking ready for the day. After getting up and kissing her, I walked into the bathroom, getting ready for the day, too.

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