Slight Smut? Definitely Suggested

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

A small drabble that was heavily inspired by a friend's oneshot teaser. (No, I will not name them, because us writers are secretive. And also I wouldn't want to basically ruin it for anyone.) I couldn't put it into the current one I'm writing (or should I say current ones;) ) so I decided to just make it a short drabble with no lead up plot and ending plot. Just, this.
I mean, maybe eventually I could turn it into a oneshot, but, I already have a lot in the making, and ideas backed up, so I'll leave it like this for now.

Word Count: 781

Ambrose pressed her up against the wall, making Lana gasp as she laid her palms flat against it, bracing herself against the cold wall.


"What is it, mon amour?"

He placed soft kisses behind her ear and on the back of her neck, lightly nipping at times and licking slightly. She shuddered as she tried to keep in the moan threatening to escape if he continued.

"We're- we're in public. We can't be doing-"

"Shh, baby, no one can see us."

He was technically right, as he had pulled her into the bathroom as we were walking down the corridor, randomly. Hopefully no one walked in-

Suddenly, she gasped as she felt him kiss her sweet spot, licking at it as well. She couldn't help but let out a little moan. She felt him smile against her neck as he ran his hands up her sides and down her front, his fingertips barely touching, making her shiver.

She reached behind her, lightly pushing at his front, wanting him to step away, but not really. Instead of stepping away, he did the complete opposite and pressed right up against her ass, making her moan a little louder than she felt comfortable with.

"Fuck, that feels good.."

She sighed a little, her hips moving subconsciously back and forth, making him moan a little. He pulled his own hips away, putting his hands on hers to keep her still.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Mmm, I should, but I don't."

He pressed her face against the wall gently, forcing her to look to the left. In front of her eyes, was the bathroom mirror. She whimpered, biting her lip so she didn't moan. He noticed this, turning towards the mirror and looking in her eyes through it, his mouth slightly open as he leaned down to kiss her neck again.

Suddenly, her phone started buzzing in her pocket, making her jump. She quickly reached down and pulled it out, looking at the caller ID, she saw that it was her manager, Ben. Answering it she pressed it to her ear, making Ambrose pull away slightly and stop kissing her.

"Y-Yes, Ben?"

"Hey, Lana, I just wanted to run something by you."


He then went on to explain a concept for a music video, or something like that. Ambrose wasn't paying attention and quickly got bored. Leaning in, he left small kisses on her neck and shoulder, causing Lana to falter a little. He then licked from the bottom of her neck to behind her ear, making her shudder and barely moan.

"You okay Lana?"

"Mmm, mhm, y-yep. I'm good."

"Alright, well..."

Ambrose decided to have some fun, looking her in the eyes through the mirror once more, he held a mischievous smile on his face as he snaked his hand up her side. Lana's eyes widened as she started to rapidly shake her head. Not listening, he snaked it down her front, cupping her through her jeans.

Not being able to stop the moan that came out of her mouth. Lana clenched her teeth as she shut her eyes.

"I-I-I'm gonna ha-have to call you back, B-Ben."

Quickly hanging up, she shoved her phone back into her pocket. Trying to turn around, she found herself being pressed right up against the cold wall again, Ambrose moving his front up against her backside once, making her whine.

"Ambrose, please-"

He put three of his fingers in her mouth, sufficiently shutting her up.

"Ah, ah, no talking."

She moaned around his fingers, starting to suck on them. He laughed a little, seeing as she was actually enjoying it.

"You're horny now, aren't you?"

She nodded rapidly, squeezing her thighs together, making her eyelids flutter.

"Sorry to cut it short but.. We gotta get back to that meeting."

He then fully pulled away, turning around and heading towards the door. Lana turned around, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open with shock and anger. Quickly following after him, she grabbed his hand, pulling him back to her.

"You can't just leave me like that-"

He tilted her chin up, making her look into his eyes.

"Oh, but I can."

She whined, pouting as she tried to press against him, only to be held back.

"Don't worry, I'll give you what you need when we get home."

"But I need you now-"

"You won't get anything if you don't behave."

That made her go quiet. Smirking, he leaned down and kissed her.

"Come on now."

Leading her out by her hand, he walked back with her to the meeting room, hand in hand, like nothing had happened.

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now