*SMUT* || Your Deal With The Devil

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Ambrose is a mafia boss. Lana is a cop. What more do I need to say.

My excuse for the vast amount of cliffhanger endings these oneshots have now: Writers block that'll hopefully be gone by summer 🤡

Word Count: 2,203

The sudden brightness of the fluorescent lights in the interrogation room burned his eyes -blinding him momentarily- before he closed them tightly and started to blink rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden change in his surroundings.

He curled his hands into fists on the metal table, then stretched them back out, trying to get the rest of the sluggishness out of his system. The handcuffs around his wrists, that were chained to the rings on the table, made his movements restricted, making him sigh a little as he rattled them, seeing how much they would give. It wasn't a lot.

"Already trying to get out?"

He heard the voice of an unimpressed woman, then the sound of the heavy duty door closing. He slowly lifted his head, wanting to put this voice to a face, and was pleasantly surprised -not really- to see who his new companion was in this dreadful room.

"I would've been out of here a long time ago if I was trying, we both know that Miss Del Rey."

"Officer Del Rey to you."

He held his hands back on the table in mock surrender, watching with a small grin as she sat across from him at the table, setting the stack of paperwork down beside her once she got settled.

"My apologies. We both know I would've been out of here a long time ago, Officer Del Rey."

She just rolled her eyes, grabbing a couple of papers from the stack and shuffling them nicely on the table. She read through a couple of them, her expression oh so plain, before glancing up at him with a small frown. She then set the papers down and folded her arms on the table and leaning in.

Which most definitely brought his attention to her breasts as she practically pushed them out towards him.

"So, Mr. Gallucci.."

He perked up a little and brought his gaze back to her eyes, earning another unimpressed look from her.

"Infamous mafia boss.. murderer.. robber of banks.. all of the good stuff. Correct?"

He simply grinned and laid his palms flat on the cool metal table.

"I'll neither confirm nor deny."

She sighed a little once more, adjusting in her seat a little and leaning back a bit before looking him in the eyes again.

"Just admit it, we've been chasing you for years, and now we've finally caught you. People don't just get pursued by the police for no reason."

He just chuckled a little, raising his index finger and waving it back and forth a little.

"Correction on one thing.. I let you catch me. If I didn't want to be caught, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Oh please, that's what all of you criminals say-"

He just scoffed, cutting her off and earning an offended glare from her.

"C'mon, darling, you really think I didn't know you all would be there? I don't walk alone at night without eyes on me at all times. I walked right into that little trap of yours, knowing, I was going to be imprisoned."

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now