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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

Word Count: 967

If it feels unfinished that's because it is. I'll be doing a steamier part two soon.


There was the quiet, peaceful pattern of the light rain hitting the street and pavement. It couldn't be later than nine thirty, which set the streets in the soft glow of the moon, as the night sky complimented the street lamps that made the wet asphalt gleam. It seemed like the streets were entirely empty, save for the occasional car that drove down them, a tired or inebriated driver most likely behind the wheel, finding their way home.

Except for South Broadway. If one were to turn onto the street from West 9th Street, they would most likely see the silhouette of a couple, cuddling close to each other as they walked down the sidewalk. Some would probably wonder what a couple would be doing up around this time, walking down a lone street. Others might find them cute and wish that they find their way to wherever they're going safely.

To the ones who are wondering what they're doing up at this time; well, they're going to see a movie. Casablanca; to be more exact.

"You've never seen it?" A feminine voice nearly shouted these words, surprised. Let's see what she's so surprised about..

He looked down to her, her surprised expression striking something in him that caused him to laugh softly, "Well, no, I haven't. I wasn't born around that time," He breathed some warm air into his cold, gloved hands before continuing, "and it wasn't ever brought up around me. So I haven't had a reason to see it." He shivered a little. It was entirely too cold for Los Angeles.

"I would've expected you to have seen this at least ten more times than I have," She tightened her hug around his arm, a cold wind making her already cold ears even colder, "Consider me wrong though." She shivered even more, "God, it's so cold out." He nodded in agreement, shivering himself, "I think we're almost there though, I can see the lighting of the billboards." He raised a gloved finger and pointed at the faint light of the billboards.

He suddenly pulled away from her and started walking backwards, facing her with a playful smile, "I'll race you." She crossed her arms and hugged herself, the heat of his body against her own, gone, "That wouldn't be a fair race, I'm in heels." His smile widened, "Fine then, I'll give you a fifteen second head start." She squinted at him, "Twenty." He slowed down a little, "Seventeen." She rolled her eyes playfully and stopped in her tracks, "Fine."

He walked a little ways past her, confusing her. She turned to look at him and watched as he stopped a couple meters away, "I'll even start counting back here to give you an extra head start." She grinned a little, he was such a child. "Ready?" She turned around and prepared to run as well as she could in her heels, "As ready as I'll ever be." He chuckled a little, "Alright.. ready, set, go!" She took off as quickly as she could, with Ambrose counting in a loud and slow manner behind her.

Eventually, he finally reached seventeen and announced that he was starting to run. She was so incredibly close, she could see the entrance of the theater in front of her. Just a little farther and she'll be victori-

The gust of wind that came with Ambrose rushing past her knocked her slightly off balance, almost making her fall. She watched as he quickly touched the handle of the door and let out a sound of victory. She slowed down to a walk by the time she got to him and rolled her eyes. He let out a huff of a laugh, a little out of breath, and opened the door for her. Breathing heavily herself, she went inside the door, sighing at the warm air that hit her face.

She heard Ambrose walk in behind her, and felt him hug her from behind. "Did I mention that the loser has to buy the snacks and drinks?" He rested his head on her own and laughed when she pulled away and sulked, "No, you didn't mention that." He pulled her back to him and hugged her tightly, "Well, the loser has to buy the snacks and drinks." She pulled away enough to look up at him, "Well, you're out of luck because I didn't bring my wallet." He rolled his eyes playfully, "You get a pass this time, only because you're forgetful." She smiled innocently up at him. "Thanks, babe."

After their cute little moment, they stepped up to the booth on the inside and Ambrose paid for their tickets. They went and bought some popcorn along with two sodas, then made their way into the theater and found their seats. The screen was blank, as no beginning credits or ads for other movies played at this type of theater. The movie would start at the scheduled time, which was in about two minutes. After Ambrose took off his coat and got comfortable, Lana snuggled into his side and tucked her feet under her butt as best she could.

"Don't you wanna take off your coat, love? We're inside now and the theater is quite warm." He had laid his own across his lap, and put a strong arm around her. "No, I'm alright, besides, I don't really wanna move," She sighed and snuggled closer to him, making him squeeze his arm a little tighter around her, smiling, "I'm too comfortable." He smiled and laid his head against hers, gently squeezing her once more with his arm and crossing his legs. "Alright then, love."

As he said that last word, the lights went dim, and the scratchy black and white film of the opening scene of Casablanca began to play...

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