*SMUT* || The Only Face

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

(Y'all really do come up with the best ideas, and I'm glad to make them happen.)

Word Count: 5,985

Ambrose's POV

I was currently sitting on the black leather couch that was in Lana's dressing room. She was reaching over to grab a water for the stage, and in doing so, gave me a sight that I was not expecting. Clearing my throat a little, she stood back up, about to start walking towards the door to go to the stage.

"You staying in here or staying on the side of the stage?"

She turned towards me as she said this, waiting for my answer. I got up, clearing my throat a little more and walking the short distance over to her.

"Side stage."

She smiled and started to walk but I caught her wrist and made her stop, so she turned back to me, confused.

"Wait, are you sure you wanna wear that skirt?"

She looked down at her skirt, pulling the end a little and looking back up to me, shrugging a little.

"Yeah, of course. Is something wrong with it?

I swallowed thickly, trying to calm my body down, as it wasn't the best time to get all hot and bothered.

"It's just- you're gonna be doing the Cherry choreography right?"

She nodded.

"I don't think this is the best skirt to do that in."


I sighed a little.

"When you bent over to get your water, your panties were on full display."

Her face slowly morphed from confusion to realization, she then laughed a little and smirked up at me.

"Are you afraid someone's gonna see what they shouldn't?"

"Well, yeah, considering-"

She leaned up and pecked me on the lips, cutting me off.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

I sighed a little, really not wanting her to wear it, but she was on in two minutes, so I shouldn't fight her on it.

"Fine. Let's go then, your fans will hate me if they find out I'm the one that kept you from them."

She laughed a little more and leaned up to kiss me, so I leaned down to meet her lips. After, we walked out the door, and down the corridor, getting to the side of the stage.

Hearing all the screaming fans as the first track started, I gave Lana another kiss and smiled at her.

"Go get 'em, babygirl."

She smiled at me and walked up the small set of stairs and out onto the stage, the crowd getting louder at the sight of her. I went up the set of stairs and stood just out of sight, getting the best view of her performing.

----- About three songs in -----

Lana's POV

So far, everything has been going perfectly, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I've been looking over at Ambrose every so often, and I think some fans have caught on, as they're pointing their phones towards his direction and freaking out. I've even seen him waving every once in a while, and I'm pretty sure at some point someone has shouted his name.

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now