*ANGST* || With Your Big Eyes and Your Big Lies

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

I was in a mood writing/thinking of this.

Heavily based off of these lyrics (so basically all of Big Eyes, but the non bolded words are what I'm trying to convey in this oneshot):

I saw you creeping around the garden; what are you hiding?
I beg your pardon, don't tell me "nothing"
I used to think that I could trust you
I was your woman
You were my knight and shining companion

To my surprise
My love's demise
Was his own greed
And lullabies

I noticed you got hot in summer
You had no comfort
Your shirt was cotton
Your face was sunburned
You paced around like you'd been waiting
Waiting for something
Your world was burning and I stood watching

As I looked on
The flames grew high
You watched me frown
I said "goodbye"

Is it me, was I wrong to have trusted you?
Did I see what I wanted, what wasn't true?
Was I wrong to go on like a little fool?
It's amazing what women in love will do

Word Count: 2,497


When she heard the front door slam shut, an odd feeling surged through her. She couldn't pinpoint it, but it felt like anger. And something else.

The person that had walked through the front door was Ambrose. Home late -very late- again. It was starting to become a common thing that Lana didn't like to be frequent. She worried about him. On the nights that he would come home late, he wouldn't answer any of her calls or texts. All she wanted to know was if he was okay.

"Honey?" She called this nickname out with an air of worry to her voice as she made her way towards the front entrance of their home. She could hear him shuffling around, so he was obviously there, and so it made her more worried when he didn't respond like he usually would to that pet name. With a big smile, a kiss, and a tight hug. None of it came. None of it has for a while. She was cold most nights now when they laid in bed together. Separate.

Once he came in view of her, her hopeful smile that he would look at her and return a bright one of his own was quickly wiped from her face when she didn't even get a glance. Not even so much as a nod to acknowledge her presence. She might as well not exist. She didn't, until she walked up to him and put her hand on his arm. Only then did he acknowledge that she existed, "Oh, baby, hey." His voice was just as dull and grim as his forced smile. He couldn't even act like he was happy to see her. She paid no mind to it, and tried her best to keep her spirits up.

"Where have you been?" She asked it with caution, as whenever she's asked him this lately, he's gotten very defensive. He glanced at her as he took off his jacket, the look almost guilty, "Work." She knew this was a complete lie as he gets off at around 2 PM, every single day, and let's her know if he has to stay late. And if he does stay late, it's only until five at the latest. Not one in the fucking morning.

She sighed a little, sad that he would lie to her, and suspicious that he was hiding something from her. She tried to touch his cheek with her hand, but he moved away from her touch, making her frown. "Is there something wrong, baby?" He sighed as he looked down at her, his expression unreadable. "No, darling, everything's alright.." He leaned down and kissed her quickly on the lips, before walking past her and up to their room.

He tasted like liquor and cigarettes. It made her clench her fists in anger. But there was something more, something that made her want to vomit.

His lips left something on her own. Lip gloss. She wasn't wearing any and she knew for a fact that he didn't wear any.

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now