*SMUT* || Stay Quiet

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

(A/N: Don't come after me if I absolutely butcher this Italian.)

(A/N: Also, more girlxgirl will be coming! I'm in the process of creating a female OC and writing some Larina! But this of course won't be the last time you see Ambrose.)

Word Count: 7,915

Ambrose's POV

I was extremely excited, but also a nervous wreck. I was currently driving Lana to my parent's house. As a surprise for my birthday, she decided to fly us to Greece to see them. I nearly passed out when she showed me the tickets and told me to read the destination. She has never met my parents before and I feared they wouldn't approve of her, but she was a good person, the best in my eyes, so I believe they'll like her.

The only two people I feel I really had to worry about were my two younger brothers, Gino and Antonio. They didn't quite know my girlfriend was Lana Del Rey, a celebrity. And they usually freak out over those things. Actually, none of them even knew she existed, as I haven't told them about her. This'll be fun to explain.

"Ay, Lana, babygirl?"

"Yeah, Ambrose?"

"I might've not mentioned to my family that you're a celebrity, or mentioned you at all."

I looked over to her and she was initially shocked, but then she held a thoughtful look on her face.

"Well, we're obviously going to have to tell them about my existence."

I huffed out a laugh.

"But maybe we don't have to tell them about me being 'famous.' If they find out that I am, if they recognize me, then let them, we'll handle it together."

I heard myself let out a sigh of relief and I smiled at her, causing her to return one of her own.

"Don't know what I would do without you, babygirl."

"You'd probably be fine."

I chuckled.

"Hope to never find out whether or not I'm okay without you."

She gave a warm smile and squeezed my handle gently.

"Neither do I."

I continued driving to my parents' home, the one that I grew up in and only left 5 years ago. Seems like a lifetime.

Eventually, it came into view and I let out a breath, still nervous. I pulled up into the driveway, looking at the small, but comfortable home.

"This is it.. welcome to my humble abode."

My voice was barely shaky, yet Lana noticed everything, even if it was even a little bit off.

"Everything will go just fine, baby."

I looked over at her and smiled, leaning over, I gave her a peck on the lips.

"I know it will, I'm just a bit nervous."

She grinned, squeezing my hand.

"I'm sure you are, but you'll be okay. It's your family."


She giggled and slowly took her hand out of mine, unbuckling her seatbelt, and I did the same. We then both got out of the car and I went to the trunk, opened it and pulled out our bags. We'd be staying here for at least two weeks, as I wanted to be able to show Lana around.

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now