*SMUT* || Push Record

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Lana Del Rey x M!OC

If you guys like this enough, I'll make a part two;)

Word Count: 3,118


Curiosity killed the cat....

   Ambrose was currently on his way to a meeting, having actually just parked outside the building where it was being held, moments ago. It was something for a new design or whatever, something he was basically being forced to go to since he would most likely oversee it and they trusted his judgement the most.

He decided to go on his phone for a few minutes, just sitting in his car, as the meeting didn't start for another good ten minutes. He checked his Instagram, where nothing really interesting showed up, and was about to check his Facebook -since he didn't have a Twitter- when a message tab from Lana popped up on his phone.

He smiled wide, happy to see that it was her who was texting him. He's been away for a little bit now, close to a week or so and she was probably wishing him luck with his meeting, and saying that she couldn't wait to see him tonight; since he was finally coming home. It warmed his heart. He truly was the luckiest man on Earth.

But that.. wasn't the case at all.. What he received confused him to no end.

It was a link to something. And that wouldn't necessarily confuse or concern him normally, because Lana sends links occasionally, but with context and the link usually has a little preview. She didn't give any context, and this link didn't have any preview.


His curiosity got the better of him, and so he clicked it.

You know the saying; curiosity killed the cat.....

The fuzzy picture of a phone camera with a vintage film effect immediately began playing, filming what seemed to be the ground. Whoever was holding the phone was walking, their feet slightly popping up into frame every time they took a step. It overall was a very shaky filming job, which seemed to be on purpose.

Eventually the person stopped to open a door, before walking again, slower, and this time onto some lush brown carpet. They walked through the room and then quickly through another doorway a couple of seconds later. The floor then looked to be some sort of sleek black bathroom tile with black carpets placed where the sink and shower most likely were. The floor changed back into that lush brown carpet, as the person went through another doorway.

The person walked even slower this time, seemingly reaching where they wanted to go. They stopped in a certain spot, set the phone face down on the ground, so all that could be seen was darkness, and then was picked back up a few seconds later.

The person filmed more carefully now, slowly moving the phone towards themself as some skin appeared. More and more skin was revealed, and it seemed to be the person's thighs. They were in a kneeling position on the floor. Their legs were slightly spread apart, and their feet seemed to be tucked under their butt.

As soon as the phone went high enough to show the person's waist, it immediately went back to the carpet, before slowly moving back up to show the beginnings of a mirror. It went up and up, showing the background of the person as their legs came back into view, this time through the mirror. It looked like they were in a sort of closet. A very big one at that.

The phone kept on rising, revealing more and more of the person's body. They were in what looked to be some jean shorts and a loose-fitted tank top. The person had not shown their face yet, but from what could be seen -they showed as high as the top of their torso- they had long brown hair that had hints of lighter brown bordering on blond mixed in.

Oneshot Book: Lana Del Rey EditionWhere stories live. Discover now