*SMUT* || "This is Heaven, what I truly want"

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Lana Del Rey x M! OC

I kinda just started this one day, so that's why there's no real beginning plot, and just ran with it. Hope you enjoy.

Word Count: 5,784


"Give me those wrists, baby." She presented him her wrists, pressed together. He took the roll of duct tape and stretched a long piece out before tearing it, throwing the roll aside, and loosely taping her wrists together. Tight enough that she won't be able to get out, but loose enough so that it would be comfortable. He smoothed out the duct tape before grabbing her by the short strip of it that connected her wrists. He brought her close to him, subconsciously holding her hands near his clothed cock, and focusing on her face as it was now centimeters away from his own.

She smiled a little and stuck her tongue out, slightly licking his top lip before closing her mouth again, that smile still present. Since he didn't actually realize he was holding her hands close to his clothed length, he was surprised when he felt her hands eagerly massage his cock and balls. She bit her lip when he let out the surprised gasp, and continued with her teasing, loving every moment of it. The hand that was holding her hands tightened its grip on the duct tape, wanting to pull away to show dominance, but staying from the pleasure.

He focused his gaze on her plump, soft lips, and growled a little at how she bit her bottom one. "Stop biting your lip like that, it makes me want to do things to them with my own." His accent was thick, and his voice was breathy and deep. She let out a pathetic little whimper, ceasing her lip biting, but teasing his cock more desperately. He closed his eyes for a moment and let out a shaky breath, his grip tightened even more, but he never pulled her hands away. "You'd better stop that as well, if you know what's good for you." She just let out a small little moan, and despite his warning; continued.

"Darling..." His tone held another warning behind it, but she still continued with her teasing. "You haven't pulled my hands away yet, I know you like it." Her reasoning was too accurate for his liking, so he finally pulled her hands away. She smiled a little, and gently scratched his wrist with her nails, teasing him more with the light touch. "I'll have you screaming my name for that." He tilted her chin up with his other hand's index finger; he wanted her to look him in the eyes. She obeyed his silent command and looked into his eyes, whimpering lightly at the dark and lustful gleam his eyes held.

"Fuck me hard enough and I won't be able to remember it." She smiled deviously at her own claim, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you remember it. I'll force you to if that's what it takes." She let out a small breathy moan, feeling her cunt throb from his words and promises. "Well, are we just gonna talk all night or are you gonna do something to me?" She challenged him, becoming more desperate for his touch some place else. He growled a little, before expertly flipping her around and guiding her to lie down, climbing atop her so that she would stay lying down.

She let out a breathy moan as her stomach and breasts pressed against the mattress, the pressure against her stomach making her cunt throb more. He put his face in the crook of her neck, both of his hands coming to hold her own. "How badly do you want it, love?" She furrowed her brows and turned her head, trying to look at him, "Bad." He moved to kiss her cheek, making her sigh and close her eyes. He licked at her jawline, lightly pressing his hips against her ass, which made her let out another small moan. His tongue found its way to her ear, where he licked at her earlobe before biting it softly, drawing out a whimper from her.

"Ambrose, please." She pleaded with him, her voice raspy and breathless, but he continued with his own teasing. "I'm begging you.." He pressed his hips against her ass again, this time holding himself there and grinding a little; drawing out a low moan from her. "Fuck." the word was forced, her short breathes making it hard to force out as she buried her face into the mattress; it sounded more like a higher pitched moan than anything. One of his hands came up to pull her hair back, forcing her to keep her head up.

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