Ch. 34: Ciccio and Guido

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As the group of six went on with their mission, two boys walked around, looking for Luca and Alberto, but they weren't looking for them for Ercolé. They were wanting to help Luca and Alberto get home. One of the boys had an orange, horizontally striped shirt and was tall and thin while the other boy had a green, vertically striped shirt and was short and stubby. The taller boy eyed Alberto and immediately knew he was one of the Sea Monster Boys. He informed his friend of what he was seeing. "Ciccio! It's them! But they have two girls and a boy with them." The taller boy said. Ciccio looked to see what the taller boy was talking about. "Yeah, you're right! Maybe we can ask that girl over there what she's doing with them." Ciccio said, pointing to Akiko. The taller boy nodded as he and Ciccio walked over to Akiko and her group. "Hey!" The taller boy said, getting Akiko's attention. "You have Luca and Alberto! We were trying to find them, too!" He finished. Akiko was alarmed and attacked the taller boy. "あなたは誰?! あなたは彼らから何を望みますか?! あなたはERCOLÉで働いていますか? ルカとアルベルトも殺したいのか!?" She asked as she pinned the taller boy to the wall, ready to punch him. Bella got ready to attack Ciccio if he were to try anything funny. The taller boy was confused as to what Akiko had said. "What did she say?" He asked. Bella translated. "She asked who you are, what you want from Luca and Alberto, if you're working for Ercolé, and if you're trying to kill Luca and Alberto like he is." She said. The taller boy was shocked. "Wait, what? No, that's not what we're doing at all! We're just trying to get Luca and Alberto home!" The taller boy said. Akiko didn't trust him. "How do we know you're not lying?" She asked as she glared at the taller boy. Alberto walked up to Akiko to explain. "They USED to be friends with Ercolé, and they USED to do his bidding ALL THE TIME, but they don't do that anymore, they're okay, really." He said. Akiko calmed down when she heard the evidence and let the taller boy go. The taller boy took a few breaths as he put his hands out in front of him to let Akiko know that he meant no harm. He carefully walked to Akiko and held out his hand. "My name is Guido. What's yours?" Guido asked. Akiko backed off a bit, since she didn't know if she could actually trust him and Ciccio yet. Seconds later, she modestly took Guido's hand. A small burst of light formed in Akiko and Guido's joined palms as Akiko glowed pink. Guido glowed red-orange. Akiko grew excited as she knew what this meant. It was a good sign. She smiled warmly as she shook Guido's hand. "Akiko Kido Konomashī. And you are?" She asked, regarding Ciccio, who was glowing yellow-green.
"My name's Ciccio. It's good to meet you." Ciccio replied. Akiko nodded as her glow faded. Guido and Ciccio's glows faded off as well. Alberto was curious. "Hey, Akiko, how did you, Guido, and Ciccio glow? How did that work?" He asked.
"I'll tell you later." Akiko said. Alberto's facial expression begged Akiko to tell them immediately, and Akiko sighed as she laughed. "Okay, okay." She said as she took a deep breath. Everyone sat down to listen. Akiko sat down as well. "I have the ability to tell if someone is telling the truth or not. Say, someone is telling me something that's either the truth or a lie. If there's a small burst of light in between my hand, and say the person's shoulder, and then I glow pink, that means that the person I'm making contact with is telling the truth. But if I glow black, with small lightning bolts surrounding my body, like Negative Energy, that means that the person I'm making contact with is lying. Guido and Ciccio glowed certain colors because I could tell that they were telling the truth, so their glows meant that they're trusted by me." Akiko explained. Alberto was fascinated. "How do you glow a certain color?" Luca asked.
"The color of your glow depends on your favorite color, or a color that describes you." Akiko replied. The group was impressed.
"Amazing!" Bella exclaimed.
"Lo adoro!" Alberto added.
"You must be a good friend, Akiko, you are not one to let your guard down so easily. I can tell because you attacked me just as I mentioned Luca and Alberto, because you thought Ciccio and I would hurt them." Guido said.
"Sorry about that. I'm just traumatized because of what Ercolé had said to me three nights ago." Akiko replied.
"You saw him?!" Ciccio exclaimed. Akiko just nodded modestly. "What did he say that traumatized you?" Guido was concerned.
"He said that Luca and Alberto wouldn't see me and my friends again when and if he found them." Akiko said. Guido frowned. "Well, if you allow us to, Ciccio and I can help you can prevent that from happening." Guido said as Ciccio nodded. Akiko looked to Bella, Luca, Alberto, Toby, and Trollex as they all smiled. Akiko smiled back and looked to Guido thankfully. "Okay. Let's do it." She said. Guido and Ciccio nodded as the group of eight continued forward to Portorosso.

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