Ch. 45: Broken Violin

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Moments after the crash, Akiko stood to her feet along with Bella, Guido, Ciccio, Alberto, and Astro. Trollex held onto Bella's hair as he pointed to Luca, who was still on the ground, looking unconscious. Akiko and the others rushed over to Luca as Alberto put a hand over Luca's forehead. Alberto's eyebrows furrowed as his bottom lip quivered. "Luca?" He said, his voice cracking slightly. Tears slightly filled Alberto's eyes. Moments later, Luca woke up as his round, brown eyes were opened to the sight of Alberto's teary eyes. "Alberto?" Luca asked. Alberto opened his eyes to see Luca alive. "Luca!" He exclaimed, hugging his friend. A few seconds later, Alberto helped Luca to his feet as he smiled. But little did the group know that the crash caused Akiko's Violin Case to spring open, causing the Violin to fall out and break. Alberto's emerald eyes wandered to Akiko's Violin, which was completely destroyed. Alberto was shocked. Bella also saw the Violin, destroyed, as her hair turned blue, indicating sadness. Soon, Akiko laid eyes on her broken Violin as she gasped and ran over to it. Trollex felt guilty for not being able to control his power. Akiko picked up a few pieces of her Violin as tears filled her eyes. Her hair turned blue, indicating sadness. "Oh no." Bella said, meeting Guido's gaze. Akiko got back on her feet as she put her hands out in front of her, indicating that she needed space, as she ran into a forested area nearby. A split second later, Alberto worriedly ran after her. Trollex became frustrated with himself. "This is all my fault! I shoulda been able to control my power!" He yelled as he sat down on Bella's shoulder. Bella tried her best to comfort the frustrated Techno King. "It's not your didn't know that it would get out of were just trying to make the situation lighthearted by taking all of us for a ride!" Bella exclaimed. Trollex felt a bit better as he hugged the bridge of Bella's nose.

In the forest, Alberto saw Akiko, who was sitting on a huge rock, as the 15 year old girl was grey in color, her head was hung low. Alberto frowned. Moments later, he walked over to another rock and sat down. "Hey." He said. Akiko acknowledged Alberto, but didn't reply. "I know you're upset, and I understand. You have the right to be upset." Alberto said. This time, Akiko replied. "It's not Trollex's fault. He couldn't control his power, he was also stressing out." She said. Alberto nodded. "I know you're trying to help us, but you shouldn't let stress overcome you while doing so." Alberto said as he put a hand on Akiko's shoulder as a sign of support. As Akiko felt a good amount of Positive Energy flowing throughout, her grey state faded away as her colors started to return. Akiko smiled warmly as she put an arm around Alberto, giving the younger boy a side hug. She was also very curious of something. "Who all is your family? What are they like?" Akiko asked. That question stumped Alberto quite a bit because his biological father abandoned him a few years ago. But Giulia's father, Massimo Marcovaldo, was okay with adopting him. Alberto started speaking again. "I actually don't have any biological parents." He said. Akiko looked at Alberto with concern as her hair turned grey, indicating the same emotion she felt. The younger boy tried explaining. "Well, I do have a biological father, and a biological mother, I don't know what happened to my mom, but my dad--." Alberto started. Akiko had mixed emotions. She was both curious and concerned. Alberto teared up a bit. "My dad. He abandoned me about three years ago, because he though I was old enough to live on my own." He said tearfully. Akiko was shocked. She pulled the younger boy into a hug. "I'm sorry." She said as her hair turned a light pink, indicating sympathy. Alberto's tears dried up. "It's fine. There's a local fisherman named Massimo. He's adopting me. So he's my adoptive father, and his biological daughter, Giulia, is my adoptive sister." Alberto replied. Akiko smiled. "That's nice. It's good that you have people who care about you." She said. Just then, Luca ran into the woods, hurriedly.

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