Ch. 17: Tracker

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It was nighttime as Ercolé delved deeper into Japan, and they knew exactly where Luca and Alberto were located. In the Konomashīs Apartment, Akiko's siblings have just gotten back from their stroll. "Oh! Hey guys! How was your walk?" Alberto asked.
"Oh, great!" Aiko replied.
"We took a walk in the Historic Kyoto, and it was a really long route, so it took us a while." Akiro laughed shyly.
"Well, I'm glad you had a good time there." Akiko smiled. Just then, they all bid each other goodnight got ready for bed. Before Akiko went to her room, she noticed some strange device on Alberto's leg. "Hey, Alberto, what's that in your leg?" She asked. Alberto was confused, then he looked down to see what Akiko was talking about. It was the tracking device that Ercolé had put on his leg. "Oh, no." Alberto said as he cupped his hands on his face. Akiko knew exactly what it was when she approached Alberto to get the device off his leg. "It's a tracking device?!" She hollered. Akiro was concerned. "Aw, this is bad!" He added. Just then, Akiko tried pulling the device off of Alberto's leg and was successfully after three tries. "What was a tracking device doing on Alberto's leg?" Luca was concerned.
"I don't know, but this isn't good." Akiko said as she smashed the device and threw it away. Back with Ercolé, the device's homing screen broke into static as Ercolé started getting frustrated. "AGH! PERCHÉ NON FUNZIONA QUESTA STUPIDA COSA ??" He yelled. He smacked the tracking screen numerous times as people around him stared at him in concern and confusion. After Ercolé finished his temper tantrum, he threw the tracker to the ground. "Fine. I'll just search for the savage Sea Monsters from here." He said to himself as he walked through the streets of Japan.

Author's Note
I'm sorry, yet again, for the short Chapter. I will make even longer Chapters in the future. Have a nice day. 😊

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