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The Black Forest, Germany 1996,

"Fred... Fred...where.. where are you?" The girl shouted

It was a dark cloudy night and a girl was walking in woods in search of her boyfriend. Ginni was her name They had came here to enjoy some time alone from the noisy city of London and one of the friend of them recommended them to go Germany as it has beautiful places to visit. So here they came but they didn't know that this good times will turn down in dark moments and will be the last enjoyment of their life.

They were enjoying in tents in woods that's when her boyfriend went to refresh himself in the pond beside little bit far away from them.. and when he didn't turn up again she went to in search of him. And while walking she lost in woods. She started to take a steps hurridly many wild animals sounds, creepy sounds were coming in background scaring her hell. She was sweating and the sound of dry leaves and sticks can be heard whenever she was putting her feet onto them. After walking a lot she saw a cottage in mid of the jungle. She frown down. What this cottage is doing in the mid of jungle. She was standing behind a tree and its branches were very low it's was hiding her view. So from one hand she removed them and thought

"Is he here" she muttered to herself

And instantly she felt someone wisper from behind


And she freaked out of it and she turned, her eyes started to wonder here and there to see the source of voice but she didn't find anyone. She started to sweat profusely. But then again she started to heard the wild animals sounds. And this time a strong wind too hitted her face. Scared with shouting she ran towards the house and entered with its crack gates.


And she entered the house

And she entered the house

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She started to look into the as a scared bird

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She started to look into the as a scared bird. Whole the house was covered with spider webs. Old furniture s were placed with dirty clothes covering them. Little weeds were there all around.

She once again tried to call her boyfriend

"Fred are you there.. look this is not funny of you are doing this" she said with shaky voice.  But no reply she got. She took stairs to go upwards. When she reached a corridor there she found a statue cover with black cloth. She moved towards it and raised hand to remove it, but she heard a sound of falling down from a room in the corner of the corridor. She again got scared. She took slow steps towards that room didn't noticed that the statue was following her from behind. When she went near door she stood there. The statue was standing so close to her but she didn't noticed yet. She touched the door with her hands and that's when the door started to make sound as if someone banging it from inside. The hard knocking scared the hell out of her she shouted

 The hard knocking scared the hell out of her she shouted

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And then turned to run from there but when she turned she saw the statue there and shouted more loudly. The door automatically opened and she was pushed by that statue inside the room. And then it got closed. The shouting sound of her started to rang all over the cottage

"Help mee... Leave me.."

And after sometime the voice get void and and slower at then end it stopped coming. The dark secret of the cottage kept hidden with the death o both the couple's. The secret was Lost In The Wilds. Nobody knew what happened. No one knows what are the voices are because whoever went there. No body came back alive to tell. Will this continue. Or there will be end of the evil. No body knows.. the question is unanswered...

So here is the prologue guys... A new horror story on Arshi. Do vote and comment how did you find the start. From next chapter Arshi chapters will be included. I hope you like it. I am trying something different this time something other than romance. But it doesn't mean the story will not have romance. Ohh come on arshi is incomplete with out it right .  So yeah finger crossed and yes I want to know how do you find it.. please comment ☺️. Hope I will justify the genre 😂

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