Chapter 14

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"I swear I will not leave you like this. Do what ever you want"

He muttered gritting his teeth. Khushi saw him in confusion. She still didn't understand the moto of evil. She just sympathysis with her. But if Arnav is going to do something then she will not stop him because he comes first for her. Forgetting that she has already done the damage by dropping her tears on the evil skeleton.


"Ed. Let's Start first start to dig the hole for her skeleton. We have to burn her there only. Let's hurry up."

Edward and all nodded their head and they all run to the place. Meanwhile Arnav clutching khushi's hand went towards the skeleton to remove it from the iron wires it was tied on. He was going to touch the wires thats when he felt burning sensation on his hand and suddenly he was thrown in the air and he got crashed with a tree. And he fallen down.


Khushi shouted and she took a step to go towards him but her legs were not moving. She saw down and what happened it the tree with which Elise was burnt  its roots started to clenched her one leg. It was not spikey but enough strong to hold her on place. The evil will not harm khushi this time but she wanted to possessed her body for all time. She tried to remove it from her leg but nothing fruitful result she got.

Here Edward, Jessica and Handry were digging the hole hurriedly. They digged, digged and digged but then suddenly when one more time Handry put the long log and removed the soil from there a large herd of flying insects came out of it and started to attack them. They left the work which they were doing Edward and Handry moved behind but Jessica legs got stumble in the mid which slide down and and she falls down in the hole which they were digging for the evil.

"Ed...Ed help me..."

"Jessica" Edward shouted. But the insects were not living them not him and neither handry. Slowly, slowly the soil which they removed to dig was started to go down on its place. Covering Jessica body by it. She fought hard but nothing was happening.  She shouted but no body were able to come and help her. That's when she saw the evil standing beside the hole giving her evil smile and then she raised her both the arms. The lightening on clouds started to make sound. Jessica got horrified seeing her like this. She struggle hard. And the more she struggle the more the soil fall on her. Her mouth started to get stuffed with soil and she started to choked. In few minutes only the the hole the digged was filled again but this time instead of evil Jessica went inside. They still can hear whimper shouting from it.

Then the evil  turned towards khushi and smiled at her contended as if her most wanted target she is going to achieve and now nothing could stop her from coming into their world. She started to crawl towards her slowly and suddenly the wind has been stopped, and when reached infront of khushi she stood their seeing into her eyes. Khushi got horrified. She was the same evil with whom she got attached emotionaly sometime. She couldn't believe. Now she regret. She started to shivered on her place. And when the evil raised her hand to caress her forehead and then moving it down on face. That's when it started to rain. And mind you it was not something usual rain, it was blood rain which was mentioned in the book that when evil possessed khushi's body wholly the hell and it's all the evils will celebrate their victory.

You all will be confused when she didn't possessed her body then how its blood raining. So the thing she the evil has commencement. And that is that she will come into their world now and nothing can stop her. Nothing. She was celebrating her victory and all the evils too who are there present in hell. Many unusual sounds of crickets, wild animals, rain, air, and the sound of trees leaves started to come. Which made them scared to hell. All of them, Arnav, Edward, Handry and Khushi started to drench in that blood rain. Khushi got very scared that her kneels were weakened. She falls down on her knees and her breathing started to become odd. Her asthma was back. She was taking deep breath. She clutched the soil in her hands feeling suffocated. Tears started to come. She was giving up... She don't want that her body get possessed again but she was feeling helpless. The evil went backwards and then she clutched her neck from behind attaching her body with khushi by her arm. And by one hand she clutched khushi's head by one hand. Khushi started to cry bitterly feeling helpless and upon that her breath which was going to stop anytime if she didn't took the pump. She was restless. She closed her eyes to pray to god which she did and suddenly she remembered Arnav's word.

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