Chapter 10

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They started to hold each other so that nobody falls down arnav too was going to hold something that's when from nowhere a thing falls down in his hand which he raised to cover his face. And he opened his eyes. A smile came on his face. It was locket of khushi which was stucked on the branch top there. And because of wind it falls down. And when it came in contact with him the wind slow down khushi stopped laughing.


The all the things stopped moving. When the locket comes in the hands of arnav. He saw towards his friends and the all gave relaxation smile to each other. Finally at least they will be able to stop that evil now from entering in khushi's body. Arnav saw the locket very carefully. He observed every nook of it. And then he saw a drop of blood which was dried by now. It can't be any of ghost blood because they are not alive, so he was sure that it will be khushi's blood. And that's why the evil targets her and enters her body. That's why despite having so many people khushi became an easy target for the evil. He saw towards khushi whose body was Unknowingly silent. Is it silent before the storm. He don't want to think about it right now. He then tried to move but, suddenly he felt that his legs has been tied. They all now saw towards ARNAV'S leg and they were shocked seeing the same spikey iron wires coming out from land and now started to clench his legs.  And blood started or ooze out from it. It was painful


Arnav shouted in pain. And he closed the locket in his fist and bend down. Slowly slowly the wires started to clench him more rising above to his legs. And started to fasten his knees, thighs and hands too which he was using to untie them. His left hand was tied up and the locket was in right hand so he didn't had any choice to throw the locked towards his friends so that they could atleast start the procedure

"Edward catch it"

He shouted for his bestie and threw the locket towards Edward who instantly catched the locket. And then they all sat in circles placing the locket in between them. Arnav by then started to untie himself but nothing was helping him out. The more he tried the more it clench him deeply. He was so egnorsed in it that he didn't notice that khushi's body started to raised up with the cut stem of tree.

 He was so egnorsed in it that he didn't notice that khushi's body started to raised up with the cut stem of tree

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(The half cut tree by which khushi was tied)

Her body was still in sitting position, the cloth was still covered her face, the rope still tied to her body. By then handry has taken his cross locket out in his hand and they all Started to pray Jesus by every saying Bible's lines loud and clear. The Hyms thats used to scare off the evil, arnav too was saying the hyms. But then they all started to hear the voice of someone else muttering the Bible's line. But in evil voice. They stopped being shocked and saw each other's. They all slowly turned towards khushi and was shocked seeing the scene.

Her body was upside down hanging in air. Her body tied on stem, she was in sitting position, but hanging in air. A loud cry left her mouth suddenly. The rope started to break and the stem was thrown towards them with a force they tried to save themselves from it. Arnav bend down, and the stem moved towards straight towards all of them (handry, nikey, Jessica, and Edward ) for saving them they jumped out from their place. But still the damage has been done and the stem hit hard Nikey,  and her body falls down with the stem upon it. And her eyes were wide open, her corner of lips started to bleed. She was in unconscious state. Her stomach and back started to pain because of hard hit. She did notice that the stem still hanging above her and her breathing started to be odd because of fear. They all by then has sat

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