Chapter 8

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There on the wall Rebbaca half upper body from head to stomach was been hanged blood was dripping down. Her arms has been nailed in the wall to hang her. Their eyes dropped down and there they saw her half lower body. Whole floor was washed in blood. Arnav eyes then moved from there towards the figure who is responsible for all these. There on the other direction khushi/Evil scratching the walls turning her back towards them standing in uncomfortable position.


She turned towards them, everybody were just too scared of her now, not khushi though, she had a knife like thing in her hand from which blood was dripping down. And when they gazed on it clearly they way h it was knife, she made her hand like this. Arnav gulped down the emotions he was getting seeing his honey like this. He can't see her like that, it's all because of his stupidity it's all happening with them. Bending her neck to the right side showing the knife in hand khushi/evil started to say

"See what she made me to do this"

It was like khushi was saying to them with crying voice as if emotional blackmailing them. She was taking steps towards them in between, it's look like her all the bone has been broken and joint wrongly. They started to take steps back..

"I tried to tell you guys didn't I. But you guys have neglected,"

She stopped in mid and then she raised her head and then again gave a smile to them with hallowness in eyes.

"Now you all will face the aftermath and the next is you.."

With that she pointed towards Nikey and shouted again and then she ran towards them, hearing her shout they all too shouted but at the nick of time arnav held her by stomach and then Edward too came forward to hold khushi as arnav wasn't able to control and they both dragged her towards bed. Khushi/Evil all the while was fighting hard to come out of the control but she wasn't successful. Arnav held her both the hands above her head and Edward held her both the legs.

"Handry....go to the store room... Find anything to tie her up" arnav shouted

Handry nodded his head and instantly in sprint of time he ran towards the store room. He searched for anything he could find. After lots of search he found a copper wires. He picked it up and hurriedly ran towards the room where they were handling khushi.  He came towards them

"I got only this"

He showed them the wire. Arnav first was reluctant using the copper wire because it is very thin akd can pain khushi a lot and plus if she will struggle like this then could be possibility of cut and bleeding. But what could they do, right now teing her is important. Putting stone at his heart he ordered

"Tie her up... Karol, Max help him guys"

They all started to tie her up. She was struggling hard and was beating her hands and legs. It was not easy for them. She was actually giving them tough time. They started to tie her hands and legs with bed. And in between she was shouting

"Haaa....yaaaa... What do you think.... This all will help you will never help you... This will never stop... You heard me... This will never stop"

With very difficulty they tied her. And then four of them left her keep struggling, in this cold they started to sweat profusely and took steps behind.

"I will not leave you... Not leave you all, and with you all this girl will also die, such a weak girl she is... Want to know how I entered in want to know"

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