Chapter 12

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He took her out and then had his bath. He wears short pant till his knees and his upper body was naked and then they both lay down in bad in each other arms to have a quick nap and falls in sleep not before having another round of kissing session.


Its been going to be dawn. Arshi and there friends have already came out of the cottage and started to go to the place from where it all started. To the pond. And this time they decided to not go alone anywhere, not to follow any voice or yet not any figure if they saw. And do inform each other if any unusual activity they found. Its not 15 minutes and they reached to the place. The place unusually cold from others. They sigh thinking finally they reach the place but there is main task still left to do. To search for her home which would be her grave or something which didn't let her soul get peace after death. Moving forward they made a circle. Khushi was wearing the same clothes which she wore in morning after bath.

"Okay so remember what we have decided, not to move alone, not to follow anything and anyone just inform. Our task is to find her graveyard and then demolished it. Okay" Arnav said

To which everyone nodded their head. He then saw every body who were tensed and he knows why. If they will be able to do it or no only this thought was running in everybody's mind.

"Don't worry guys, we have came so far now, and we all know that we can't go back being alive if we didn't kill the evil for once and all. You know it will not let us leave"

All thoughts for sometime and then nodded their head. Arnav then saw khushi who was still lost in thought being scared and he said

"And you... You are coming with me" he announced

That time she saw him and there was confusion on her face.

"Why..  everybody is going for her search separately. By this we will able to find her soon"

She said. To which arnav rolled his eyes. And all too saw him with naughty thought in their mind, he thought to clear their mind but at the same time Edward replied

"Good thoughts Arnav not bad... What I was saying Jessi lets we too coke together it will be good right"

Arnav was going to stop him from wild thoughts that's when handey jumped in mid

"Guy please... If you all go together then how I will go alone please.. don't do this guys I will be dead meat for that evil and also it's not good you both will go like couples and because i don't have anyone I will go alone do some mercy on your friend"

"Ohh shut up guys... Will you all let me complete what I was going to say.. I was saying khushi to come with me because evil mainly she will target her that's why don't know what other reasons you all were thinking. Dirty people"

He muttered the last line.

"Oohhhoooo" they all said in unison. And Arnav the gave them unbelievable and saw khushi who has shy down, he smiled at least because of this lame joke she changed her mood. And then taking her hand he moved forward all people too started to search for anything which could lead them too her home. In few minutes while searching Jessica has moved towards pond and stand there when she didn't find anything. She saw down and instantly after shouting she moved behind. Hearing her words all the people cake to her. Edward too her in arms to calm down

"Hey what happened Jessi. What happened all okay"

To which she just sob and with hand she pointed out on the floor. They saw blood over there spreading like hell. Arnav bent down and touches it. It was still fresh may be the new one. He saw towards them and to khushi who had closed her eyes not able to see the blood. He then saw that the blood was leading them towards something. As if someone has dragged someone's body from there. He stood up and taking khushi in his arms he said

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