Chapter 6

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"Ohhh Jesus help me Jesus"

And the more she muttered the Bible's lines the more the evil was becoming angrier and thenShe bites her in her neck very badly a cry left Cindy mouth... And she was died on the spot. After killing it the evil took her dead body into the water.


The sound of lightening could be heard inside the cottage. There was an unknown scary silence has took place only pouring of rain and the lightening with that the opening and closing of windows sound was heard. Every one were in living room still lost in their thoughts. Karl was laying unconscious and Nikey went upstairs in search of Cindy. But despite it all of them were having different thoughts, fear was eating them every second. That's when Nikey came back after searching of Cindy.

Nikey: guys I am unable to trace Cindy.. don't know where she went

All of them arnav was least interested in knowing where she went and Jessica too but still they were a group and worrying for any group memeber isn't wrong.

Max : have you checked all the rooms

She nodded her head

Jessica: maybe she went out in frustration don't worry she would be back.

Rebbaca was the one in them who was shivering in fear now and she said

Rebbaca: guys don't you all are feeling fishy.... We are getting hurt one by one since the time we have come here. First khushi we found her in uncomfortable position, then Karl who we found unconscious and now.. now Cindy is missing... Guys I think I now believe Khushi... We are in big trouble

Max: Ohh shut up Rebbaca don't say a word please... We are already scared don't add your worries here.

Max was frustrated now.. it's not whatever Rebbaca saying he found it funny or fake or not believing hell he know there is something wrong happening and it in front of their eyes. They are damn scared but repeating it again and again was only making them frustrated more and nothing.

Arnav was lost in his own thoughts. How much he tried he can't forget what ever he was seeing. The condition of khushi was making him worried. The way she saw them with evil smile on her face it was looking like as if she was not khushi but someone else. She was seeing them as if she has gave the signal of starting something, starting of some hazardous events, some scarey events. He started to remember the flashback events. When he first saw her picture


He was in college as usual flirting around in canteen. Many girls were around him seducing him on their own style. That's when he saw his friend Edward coming towards him with worried face. He instantly made excuse from all the girls and went towards him sat beside him in chair and the asked

Arnav: why it is 12 o'clock on your face.. something happened

Edward: don't ask me yaar. You won't understand

Arnav had a slice of pizza which was placed by waiter ordered by Edward and after having a pie he asked

Arnav: so that lizard again troubled you by her antiques

Edward gave a scorn look to him. And arnav understood that indeed it's his girlfriend who was the reason behind his upset mood. They are in last year of their graduation and Jessica was in first year.

Arnav: I told you in starting Ed. These girls are like train. One will go then again another will come. And also...

Edward: yes... I know what you said... That never run behind three things, bus, time and girl... They all make you desperate and they make your life hell... Anything else you want to say or will help me..

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