Chapter 15

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"May be bad things happened with you. But now this is not your world.. you should go to your world Elise. And leave from here. Now no more people will die because of you"

She said. Elise the evil got angry. She was going to attack khushi but at the right time Arnav came in between them and make khushi stand behind him.


"Your time is over here now. Whoever you are, whatever happened with you all people can't be blamed for that. May be injustice happened with you but it doesn't mean you will do injustice with all. I will never let that happen. So you have to go where your real place is. Not here"

Arnav said confidently. And in return they heard her laugh which was scary. But they didn't budge this time. If she is gonna play hard then okay they will play hard too. They both handry and Arnav dragged her to the tree and then tied her there with spikey wires. She does not remove the wires so they have put the cross locket of handry and when it touched the spikey wires time to time it was giving her electric jolt. It was not that powerful to kill the evil but it can stop her from doing supernatural thing's. And they went towards the grave they digged. They first made a big cross of woods it was taking time. The night was going scary as hell. The rain hasn't stopped still. Suddenly The evil stopped her laughing and saw towards arnav


She took a pause. To see arnav's reaction and smiled evily when she saw him gritting his teeth. He has pulled khushi towards him hugging her from behind so that she don't do anything stupid out of emotions. And the way evil was calling him making his thinking confirm that yet she is going to play another emotional card. Khushi was seeing him turning her neck and irritations plus anger what she saw then she tried to see towards the evil for which Arnav forcefully turned her neck forward

"Don't see her, there is no need to listen to her she will just play with our mind"

She nodded her head and concentrate to whatever her friends were doing. Arnav kissed khushi's head. And then again he heard her

"Honey, Arnav, ASR, Arnie.."

She was taking his all the nicknames. Which was making him irritated. Her voice is causing pain to him because it is coming in Many voices as if many people are taking his name.


His hold on khushi tightened. He don't want to listen this nickname. No.. he shouted but got shocked of his life when he heard the next nickname it boiled his blood to the core.

"Shut up" he muttered in anger

"Why... Ruble.. isn't your dad called you by this... Ruble...Ruble...Ruble.."

And she started to rant the name. Arnav got very angry he never wanted to hear this name again. He had long forgotten and in his dreams too he never wanted someone remind him this. Never.

"Tell me one thing.. are you still hating your father..haan ruble"

Arnav left khushi she has tested his patience enough

"Stop it.. I told you to stop it.. i have no father do you hear me. He is dead he is dead got it now stop this'

To which evil laugh and after a minute started again

" No.. Arnav come on don't you want your girlfriend should now your past too. Shouldn't she knows, how your father used to beat your mom, how he used to bring other ladies at home, how he one time tried to kill your mom by pushing her by stairs although he loved you a lot but when one day you went to save your mother unknowingly he hitted you and that's why there is scar at your left eye. Tell her.. how your mother committed suicide and your father still didn't changed but went to jail and there he too committed suicide realising his life is wasted. Won't you honey"

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