Chapter 9

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According to what they read in book. From 12 am to 3:30 am, it is most strongest hours of evil. In between this hours they are more powerful and after 4 am their energy went low. That's why every time evil sould take a backside in morning and again come back at night.


All of them were watching each other face. They got idea what to do now. But they way is very difficult. In every steps they take they will they will be putting their life in danger.

Handry: guys this is very dangerous.. how we are gonna implement this all. It is risky for our life plus for khushi too..

Arnav: we know handry.... But

Handry: no you don't..

Edward: shut up handry let us think..

They all went into thinking mode what to. There in pages it eas written. That the evil can enter to the body of the person if he/she get connected with her in some way. They started to think what it could be. Because khushi hasn't come to this place earlier. So how could the evik got connected with her. And it is also writter it could be anything, her clothes, her any non living thing. They are not understanding what it could be that the soul got connected to khushi.

It is not the only think. The hardest thing is after that. Finding that thing then they have to destroy it. But by this process they will only able to rescue khushi. And this thing they can only do at night. And to kill evil there is another way after that which is dangerous for all. But they didn't go there right now. For them right now the first thing is to rescue khushi. Then they will go foreward.

Max: it is impossible guys... First of all haven't you noticed. All the doors and windows are closed and in the book it is clearly written that we have to destroy that thing on the same place where khushi got possessed. And if you remember. That was outside when we found her unconscious.

Yes they were right. But that's when Arnav thought something and remember. He same told them too

Arnav: guys if you do remember. The door always get closed in morning but before that whenever that evil came in her body at night I mean the door gets opened. I think that will be the time when we could do something.

Handry: have you gone mad arnav.. at night... Isn't it too risky..

Arnav: I know that is risky but it is the only way we have. And guys please.. please stay together that will be the only things will keep us alive. Okay.

All nodded their head. So the plan was made. When sun will dawn today they will take khushi to the same place where they found her unconscious. They are sure that the thing which connects khushi and that evil they will find it there only. Jessica was the only one who didn't uttered any word. She was very affected by the happening mainly with khushi. She never thought this one trip will change their life to this extent. She moved inside the room where khushi was kept and saw her lifeless, and what not. She started to remember how they used to be happy, how much they used to enjoy. She still remember how much she was scared of darkness, she used to get frighten easily and now here she is.

She was sitting beside her and took her hands in her and started to cry because she was going through guilt. That's when someone put a hand on her shoulder. She jerked and saw the person. It was arnav who came there and saw Jessica crying over here. Jessica instantly hugged him by his waist being high in emotions. He too kept his hands on her head. It was purely a brotherly hug anyone can say that..

Arnav: we will bring her back... Don't cry... That's what that evil wants. It wants us to breakdown emotionally so that we could not figure out and she can easily take advantage of it. We shouldn't give it to her.. we should stay strong for khushi.. she needs us

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