Chapter 13

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Khushi couldn't believe her eyes. She can identify because of her face. She looks scary when she became evil but right now she is just a beautiful girl. And now she understands where she is. The evil has taken her to the past.. the horrible past of her. She was making her watch to see what actually has happened with her.


"Jackson please leave me.. Jackson.. please listen to me...please"

"What's hurry Elise... Wait darling"

The girl name was Elise who was been tied up with spikey wires. And the guy was Jackson her boy friend. Khushi was watching all this. The girl who now became an evil is in front of her. She couldn't believe. What's her moto to make khushi watch this. Why she bring her here and what is happening here. Seeing the scene khushi has somewhat Idea that the girl was being played by her boyfriend and something dreadful is going to take place with her and that's why she became an evil. Khushi was going through all this thoughts that's when she heard the man voice again. He had by now has clutched the jaw of Elise tightly making her wince in pain.

"What you said on our first meet darling.. that you will never ever falls for a guy like me who has molested a girl, who is a spoil brat and what not. You even dared to slap me that day."

He took a pause and stand up. All his other friends were giving evil smile too and were happy too. Jackson moved to one of his friend who was lighting the cigar. And kept his hand on his shoulder turning his back towards Elise. And with evil smile he started to to disclose more. Elise all the time was just in confused. Why he is digging the past. That time he was a changed man doesn't he. He used to trouble the girls, molested them and that's why he thought to trouble her she slapped him and shouted on him in front of college. But now he is changed he is caring, loving, one woman man or all those things were lie. No it can't be his love can't be a lie. She was going throught all this. That's when he heard him again.

Khushi all the time was seeing her and the guy who was disclosing the things. She felt anger towards him. For doing this to the girl. Unknowingly she started to sympathysis with the Elise. Her eyes started to mist up for her.

"What she said that day Samuel. That she will complain against me to the dean and will handover me to police. Which she did. Right"

He then turned in anger towards her and the new madness they all can see in him.

"You did a grave mistake that day Elise. A grave mistake. If you have understood simply not doing thise dramas then I would have left you but you had guts for complaining against me."

"Please Jackson....please.. why are you digging old past. You said to me you are changed. You loved me... You were even going to jump from the cliff for me .. please leave me why are you doing this now"

With that she cried. And Jackson and his friends Samuel, Finch, and Crystal laughed.

"Do you see you see her pleading"

Jackson said in between laughing towards her saying to his friends. After composing he went towards her and then caressing her face by his fingers from head to lips he said

"That was all lie.. that was all lie dear. And you got trapped in it. When you filed complaint against us, when I went out jail for one day that day I promised to myself and to my friends that I will make you life hell. The love, cared you are talking about. The suicide attempt you are talking about was all a trap for you. So that I can take a revenge of my insult. And here are we. Where nobody is going to save you from us. You are gonna regret for that day. Today we will end your chapter once for all."

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