Chapter 11

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*Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?"

He again threw a cheesy line on her and she smiled smacking on his chest and then they went from there towards their friends. Together they can fight all the evil.


They giving each other support, arnav has kept his hands around her shoulder and she had kept on his waist moved towards cottage. They both were weak, injured so they were walking slowly. Khushi's cloth were tear up same with arnav too.

"Was I bad during those days"

Khushi asked to arnav about those days when she was possessed. She has little memory of it. But still she wanted to know from him. She was guilty for whatever she did. Although it was not her but evil made her to do that. But unknowingly she killed their friends. Arnav understood what she was going through so they stopped walking and he made her turn towards himself. Palming his cheek he said

"Just remember one thing, that was not you... She killed them not you so never ever feel guilty for anything"

He said to which her eyes went moisture. With shivering voice she replied.

"But...but I was the one who killed them (then she shows him her hands) by these hands janaa, I can't forget. They were asking me for mercy every.. everyone and I heard them but..but as if nothing was in my hand.. I am scared what if she again possess me and...and this time I will harm you guys... I don't want to.. I don't want to be your killer, I don't want to kill you and them"

She said while in fear. Arnav understood her. The guilt of killing will be always there he knows. And also the nightmare of being possessed. He knows after going from here nothing would be same for anyone. Specially for khushi. She would be in fear for her entire life. Already she went through a lot. And now added to all this. But this is not the time to be weak it is to show the evil that they are stronger then it. They are together. He pull khushi into his hug and replied

"Listen to me honey... Nothing can make that evil to possess your body again. That time you were alone but this time we are together. She can't be able to take you until and unless you show your weakness to her. Just remember she was taking advantages of your weakness. So you have to be strong... Very strong... It is needed to defeat her you got me. Its upon you how you will handle her baby. Whenever she came infront just remember not to compare your similarities but yes how you are different then her. Do you got me. When you will fight for yourself then only we will be able to protect you honey. And I want you to fight, not for me, not for them but for you. More then fighting for us, it is much needed to fight for yourself. Do you get me. Then together we will fight that evil. Now promise me, you won't fall weak in front of her. You will fight whatever the situation would be promise me"

To which khushi nodded her head and both tighten their hold on each other. The night will be dark of course but they are sure that they will find ray of light in it too. They were lost in each other that's when they heard the grumbling sound which was coming from khushi's stomach and she got embarrassed, arnav chuckle a bit

"Seems like someone is hungry a lot" he teased

"So, I hadn't have anything from so many days. That evil never let me eat. So this is normal"

She complain. But that thing again makes arnav worried for her. He felt bad for whatever she went through. He kissed her suddenly on her forehead without giving warning to her a tear left his eyes

"Henceforth, it will not happen, I will take care of that" to which she smiled that's when something clicked his mind and he asked her

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