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"I can't stay here anymore... I will not stay here.. and trust me you all should also leave with me. This place is not good. We are in big trouble here"

She was packing her stuff while saying all this. She was drenched totally in rain. When she completed saying all she saw towards her friends with whom she came on this trip.

"What happened why are you seeing me like this. Don't you believe me.. Jessi.. atleast you say something"

she said while tears dropped from her eyes. She didn't get any response only concern and confuse faces and then she moved towards arnav and shaking him by his arms she shouted

"Atleast you believe me right!! I saw the shadow I swear. "

She cried hysterically and then continued

"I should have known..your all the promises you said were just only in words.. you will be a playboy always."

When she said this arnav felt a pain in his heart. He moved towards her raising hands to calm her down. She stopped him by placing in between them and then continued

"Okay you guys aren't trusting me's okay..but I am not going to be here anymore for a second."

Giving look to each one of them she ran from there in the heavy ran. All went behind her to catch but till the time they would have come out from that cottage. She was already vanished in that deep jungle


Arnav without seeing anything ran behind her and everybody follows him. They started to search for khushi but because of dense forest, heavy ran and with that fog they were unable to see clearly.


Here khushi started to run as fast as she can. She can hear the voice calling for her but she didn't wanted to stop... Because of heavy ran in many area it became marsh. But then suddenly stopped seeing heavy fog in front of her which didn't let her see anything otherside. She was sure something wrong is happening because in heavy rain fog is not possible. She heard whisper of her name from behind. And she turned behind. Her name was now coming from many directions which was making her confuse if her friends were calling or but from which direction. She started to took hurried steps in fear and after sometime she falls because of marsh there. She again heard her name and this time so close like someone just behind her. She gulping down tears in her eyes turned around but didn't saw anyone. But when she relaxed that's when a girl appears in front of her from that muddy marsh

"Aaaahhhhhh aaahhhh"

She shouted and then ran saving her life from there. Time to time she was turning and that's when her leg slipped and then she falls on nail studded iron wires. She cried while shouting. The more she tried to come out of it the more the wire was constraining in her body. She was tied by that. From every part of her body blood was dripping down. And then she saw the shadow of girl coming towards her..she cried hard

"Who are you leave me...leave me please"

She shouted while crying but the shadow was coming towards her. And in a sprint of time she stand in front of her so close giving her the weirdest smile she hypnotised the eyes of khushi first and then she changing its form entered in her from down. A last shout khushi did when she entered her and then all the wires looses down and she faint down then and there.

This is the precap guys do let me know his is it. And thanks for comment and vote on previous part. Love you all and stay safe guys.

LOST IN WILDS (Completed)✔️Where stories live. Discover now