Chapter 7

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"You all gonna die"

And she screamed a aloud... They had to close their ears it was so loud as if it will tear up their ears. All the things in the room started to moved in its place. It was scarey as hell strong wind was coming, windows sound could be heard. The cross on arnav locket falls down and after 5 minutes of screaming she stopped and she falls unconscious when the clock strike 4 O'clock. The evil has left khushi's body in morning and that's why she falls down.

They removed their hands from their ears when the scream has stopped. Its 4:05 am in morning but it's still dark outside. They opened their eyes when they saw everything stopped moving in the room. And then all of them ran towards khushi after giving each other looks. Arnav touched her wrist which was normal in temperature. But still her body has been freezed again but this time in a other pose. It means the evil has left but not for long period of time. She will again come.

(Imagine khushi's freezed body like this)

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(Imagine khushi's freezed body like this)

Rebbaca was the last one to reach her body. She felt that her eyes were moving whenever she was taking a step towards her as if she is only seeing her.

Edward: Arnav before something happens we should leave from here right now...

Arnav: you are right Ed we should leave lets go everybody...

He was going to pick khushi in his arms that's when he noticed something shining in her dress. He moved his hands forward and a bracelet was tangled in her top there was slight blood too it was very light like a drop. He removed it and then raised it in his hand. Everybody saw the bracelet

Nikey: it is Cindy bracelet... But..but what it is doing with her..

And with the matter of fact they understood what would have opened. Tears started to come out one by one realising that Cindy became the prey of evil. And that's why she was missing right now. Arnav composed himself

Arnav: let's go guys... We won't spend a second here.

They all nodded their head and arnav carried khushi. They all came out of the room, arnav was ahead of all of them. But they were shocked when they come out in living room. Karol had placed his hands on head and started to tear out his hair in frustration. All were shocked seeing that all the doors and windows has been closed. Nobody moved from thier place. Jessica hugged Edward in fear. Arnav eyes became bigger in size. Nobody understood what happened. Max in anger went towards door and Started to pull it with all the force hardly but it didn't budge. All of them crying. They are trapped and very badly. This evil will not let them move. Handry slide to on knees while crying. Arnav then placed khushi on sofa and he too went towards door to try but nothing happened

Arnav: Open the door damn it... Let us go ( he shouted)

But nothing helped them a deadly silent has took place. Just before sometime the door and windows were opened and now this.

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