Precap for Tomorrow

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"what so hurry Honey.. see you are young I am too of 19, your height is 5'11 and mine too approximately 6, we will made a great pair for sure... There is no doubt that you are extremely extremely gorgeous but you see I am too not bad you see girls die on me. And for your information I like you and want to spend my time with you  what say can we sign our relation with the kiss"

With that Arnav Started to bend near khushi's lips. He has held her by her waist attaching her body with him. He is a no. 1 flirt of his college. He came here in Germany with his friends. For a trip amd Khushi with her friends they have common friends and that's how they met on this trip. On first sight he falls for this girl who is so beautiful. She was wearing simple denim jeans with speghati red top with a shirt upon it. She has natural beauty without any makeup. He corner her today and when she was ignoring him he capture her in his arms.

Khushi saw this guy who was giving her looks from every now and then. No doubt he is too handsome and seeing him she is sure he belongs to some rich family. He is wearing his college hoodie which has his  name printed at that ASR, with narrow joggers. He is Greek god. But her friend told her about him he is a big flirt and she is sure he is flirting with her so he can't be serious. When she saw him bending his head towards her lips, she was sure what is coming up so gritting at his audacity she raised her knees and just hitted him on his main point.

"In you dreams jerk" she said

Arnav left her in pain. And she saw him and with attitude, flying her hair she moved from there shouting going ahead

"Do remember this shot in future"

And arnav saw her going with pain he smiled at her attitude and daring nature. No one did this to him and words left his mouth

"She is firecy, totally made for me" and then smiling he bent behind her where there tent was made.

Tomorrow's precap do let me know how it is❤️❤️❤️

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