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To Will's own personal annoyance, Gabriel and Gideon had a legitimate point that he could not really contest. Not that he would say those things aloud, of course. That would go against what he stood for, which was to refuse to agree with them as much as possible. In this case, however, they did have a point. It was not within the nature of someone who had been used to being in a team and fighting demons to just...willingly stop. Definitely not ones who are so young. It was incredibly likely that if hey did not allow them to go on fights, they would just sneak out and go anyways. 

Unfortunately it was not really possible to keep them confined to the institute, something which he just knew that Charlotte would prefer. Even if they were lucky enough that they decided to listen, they would just be horribly restless. They had asked for asylum, not a prison. Even if it was in their best interests, Will really was not able to...justify it. It would be close to mental torture for the boys, and they had been through enough in his mind. He could not really, force them into agreeing to something like that. That was even assuming he could get them to agree in the first place, which would be complicated, and he doubted that he could. 

He was still concerned though, something that was allowed and understood. He could tell that even if they refused to admit it so were Gabriel and Gideon. They were confused, definitely, but the concern was not as expertly hidden as they would have thought it would be. It was seen obvious in their eyes, there was no small degree of worry. He supposed seeing iratze after iratze placed on someone so young and the fear that they had towards their own kin would definitely hold some sort of worry attached the the boys. Especially since they had all been the ones to find them, there was definitely some form of...protective instinct in all of them to keep them safe. It was stupid, but then again so were most mundane things.

The blond boy, Jonathon from what they had managed to gather, was the first person to stir. They all stopped, staring, waiting to see what would happen with baited breath and tense bodies. It took less than a second and he was screaming, thrashing in the makeshift bed that was the couch he was laid on. Alec was awake immediately, hand going to his side before jolting awake fully and swinging his body elegantly over to pin Jonathon to the couch, muttering something under his breath. Unfortunately they were too far away to hear exactly what was being said, and his lips were hidden from their full sight, so they were unable to try and read them either. They did not really want to move too close, too worried that it would trigger the two somehow.

They watched as Alec somehow began to get through to the second boy, who's eyes began to clear. It was a shocking sight to see and once it seemed as though he was clear headed, Alec slowly released him, Jonathon grabbing Alec with a fever that shocked them. his nails dug into the back of his shirt mercilessly, to the point that Will would not be surprised if it left markings. Jonathon had tears clinging to his cheeks as he dug his head into the side of Alec's neck inhaling his scent. It reminded Will startlingly of him and Jem when Will loses himself sometimes. It was so...dejavu that it somewhat startled him more so than it really should have.

"Hey," Magnus stepped forwards, having thought perhaps its was somewhat safe now. Which was a big mistake because not a second later, Jonathon's eyes flashed gold and he growled, pulling Alec behind him, practically baring his teeth. He reminded Jem of some of the werewolves he had seen protecting their pack. It was a...weird simile to put on a Shadowhunter, but for some reason, Jem really thought that it fit.

Suddenly, though, Jonathon's eyes faded back to blue, he turned around catching Alec's eyes, tilting his head to the side. It was as though something about Magnus seemed to jog a memory or something.

"I didn't want to go to the Seelie realm." Alec said with a shrug, body tense. "Jace, it...it would have been worse for you." 'Jace' seemed to deflate at that, his eyes gaining a sad tinge.

"Alec," He whispered, tears flooding his eyes, fighting them back, giving him a strained smile. "You really did not have to."

"Yes I did!" Alec defended, moving forwards, grabbing Jace by the back of the neck, placing their foreheads together. "You switched again." Jace stared at the soft blue eyes that calmed him despite the shocking news.

"Did I hurt anyone?" He whispered. Alec gave a chuckle, despite the severity of the question.

"I think you owe this William guy an apology for scaring the life half out of him but no, you did not hurt anyone. I got there before you could."

"You?" Jace asked, almost hesitant in nature.

"I am fine, perfectly whole." He said with a smirk. Jace closed his eyes, breathing deeply, relief trailed across his face.

Magnus cleared his throat, causing the two to jump a bit apart. Jace felt eyes on him and he stared a bit nervously at the floor, shame curling across his cheeks. Magnus almost wanted to coo at the sight. He was strongly reminded of a puppy for some unknown reason. It...fit...rather well now that he really thought on it.

"I...apologize, for any potential inconvenience that I caused...and...Magnus, Sir, Thank you. Very much for your help." Magnus gave the boy a gentle smile. His eyes glowed momentarily with their natural site.

"It is no problem." He admitted, and Magnus found himself somewhat startled at the fact that he did truly mean it. "I quite liked being able to help such precious shadow hunters as you and your friend." Jace seemed to flush darker at the words.

"I will never get used to that." Jace muttered under his breath. Alec gave him a small smile, but otherwise did not say anything further, glancing towards where the London Shadowhunters were grouped up watching them. 

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