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Jace sighed, pulling his body slightly away from the drink as he contemplated the logistics of the situation. It was a bad idea. Over all especially when it came to parties, it was unwise to take drinks from downworlders, he was most privy to that. Simon had stupidly gulped down whatever was next to him and he ended up turned into a vampire after that so he did not think it was the best decision to go drinking random things, even if he was slightly suicidal at the current moment. There was also the fact that he had no idea what these drinks could do, and he could not leave Alec to traverse this strange time alone, or this party. That would be...cruel of him. Overwhelmingly so. He was not one for doing those sorts of things. Besides, there was still quite a bit to do, which would be somewhat complicated if he did something stupid and got himself enslaved to some downworlder for the rest of his life. That was not exactly the best life he had envisioned for himself. He would rather not risk it. 

He leaned his head back against the wall,  placing the rest of his body against it as he did so, eyes glancing over the large crowd, attempting to find Alec, or Will, or even Gabriel in this mess. Alec had rushed off to find Will and Gabriel and told him to stay still, but he was getting a little bit restless, and in trying to see Alec from where he was standing...well...It would seem as though luck was not on his side, however, as he could find none of the three wandering about the throng of downworlders. It was not as though Shadowhunters were hard to spot at these sorts of parties either, so he could not really figure where they would have gotten to. It left him with a little bit of anxiety at the realization. 

He knew that Alec was not in trouble, he would have felt it, but something about the situation made him a bit, worried. It was not often that Alec took so long to find people, much less Shadowhunters that were likely being gawked at considering where they were at, and on top of that there was no way that he would have lost them in Magnus' house considering how familiar he was with the layout at the very minimum, which would only mean that their two tagalongs had probably gotten themselves into some sort of trouble. Whatever that trouble was likely was the reason why Alec was taking far longer than he ideally should have to find them, and drag them to where Jace was now so that they were all in a nice clique of lost little Shadowhunters. Jace did not really want to think about what it was that the other two could have done. There was...a lot. Jace didn't really particularly find himself in want to know, but he knew that he was going to have to figure it out at some point. 

Jace wondered if he should go and help Alec, but he also knew that there was the distinct possibility that he would do more harm than good in that situation. For the first thing, he had been told to stay and he did not want to move if it meant it was only going to cause Alec more trouble than it was worth. That was definitely not something he wanted. What if Alec came back only to find that he was not where he had left him and could not see him because he had wandered too far? The other would likely panic, even if he could feel that there was nothing wrong with him through the parabatai ruin. Alec had a tendency to panic, and it was...upsetting at the best of times. Especially when it was himself who had caused the panic. Jace did not want Alec to get scared that he had left him or whatever the reason may or may not be. Especially considering everything that had happened while on the ship. It was difficult enough for them to even continue their normal lives, let alone the fact that he had somehow managed to transmigrate them to a different bloody time period in some alternate universe. It was rather frustrating in his opinion. He sighed heavily, he was the one that had done this, even if he had not meant to. It was still one hundred percent his own fault. 

He waited another several minutes, getting a bit more anxious the longer that it was that Alec stayed gone and he was getting more worried. He knew that Alec could take care of himself, but he was worried about what trouble that he may end up being dragged into because of their tagalong buddies that insisted upon coming. Something he still did not understand, and was definitely not happy about. They knew nothing about the Downworld, not the way it truly was, but what they thought it was. There was still a lot of...old fashioned ideologies among these people. He knew that it would get better, at least partially, but right now it irked him. They followed them around like lost puppies, and Jace was really getting over it already. It probably did not help that their side comments about downworlders really made him want to punch Gabriel in the face, and on top of that Jace and Alec knew full well how to protect themselves. Granted perhaps the first impressions were off regarding that, but they had been in this game for quite a long time. They were not helpless. 

Though Jace supposed perhaps he and Alec should spar. It would help the idiots realized just exactly who it was that they had locked up under the careful watch of at least one of the older shadowhunters in the group. It was actually a rather brilliant thought, now that he really contemplated it, and he could not help but smile to himself. He really did come up with good ideas at least some of the time. He would prefer to keep the general rule to Alec though. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. A rare sight indeed." Jace tensed in shock and a little bit of surprise, his entire body going rigid. Shocked blue eyes turned up sharply to stare at the voice which had spoken the sultry tone of words. Blue clashed with the gold flecked brown eyes of the Fae. He stared, rather surprised and scarcely able to breathe. He could not help but stare either. 

He had said before, Meliorn was a 9, and he was not really lying. The Fae was gorgeous, always had been. Izzy did have good taste in men after all.  If nothing more, he and she had similar tastes when Jace's desires did span closer towards the male end of the spectrum, which was not often, but often enough to know that they had similar desires in their men. The Fae looked different from how he typically saw him but then again, they were not in the same place that he usually saw Meliorn. It was a different time, and a different land. 

Unlike the typical dyed hair he normally saw, Meliorn had his the deepest black, and Jace hated to say it but it did truly suit him quite well. His eyes followed the strands as they landed upon his shoulders, framing his face, which he admired as well, the eyes being perhaps the darkest brown he had ever seen with what looked like glitter of sunlight spaced throughout the iris. Jace could not stop staring. Which was unfortunately, of course, when Alec finally returned with Will and Gabriel, something which he did not notice as he was still staring at Merliorn.

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