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The other boy walked closer towards Jace, who moved backwards, stumbling off  the piano bench as he did so. Jace's eyes flit around the room hastily, before settling securely on Will. He stared at them, making sure he could keep the other in his sight as he backed away from the instrument and Will's continual movements forwards towards him. He attempts to make his stumble from the piano seem purposeful was quite...dismal, and even Jace knew that Will would not believe that. He was just so unsorted at the moment, and he did not really know what to do. It probably did not help that he had not slept much...or at all. 

Jace did recover however, keeping William in his sights, watching the other, trying to keep himself from freaking out. It was more then the fact that this was his...this was his ancestor. He needed time before he felt comfortable around anyone but Alec. Valentine had certainly done a number on his mental state, and he would rather not really have people walking towards him. He knew it was rather stupid. He was a shadowhunter after all, it was just something that he could not really seem to help, and he was not really sure why. His father was never a good influence, and he always was more...more unsettled when talking about him, let alone having been with him for months. 

"I am sorry," Jace said gently giving the other man a small smile as he walked backwards. "I...was not aware that you wanted to use..." 

"Oh, no, not at all." Will said simply interrupting Jace without a second thought, a smile gracing his features. Jace did not know what to do at all, and everything was incredibly awkward. Even more so since it would seem that this Shadowhunter merely intended to just watch Jace play, not actually play himself. He had no idea what it was that Will was doing here, and beyond that, he was getting even further out of sorts considering Will was not stopping and Jace just stiffened, not wanting to back himself into a wall. Much more dangerous if he did that.

His ancestor was right in front of him, and not too much older then him. Jace would say maybe his twenties. Early twenties. It was unreal. Utterly mind blowing, and he had no idea what to say, or what to even do. His rising fear, which was not warranted (though he supposed the resemblance to his father would do that to someone), was something that Jace could not really seem to tamp down. So he just straightened, and stared, forcing the emotion from his eyes, as he watched his ancestor suddenly pause, a small sheepish look on his face.

"Sorry," Will said with a small shrug and a light lilt to his voice. "Did not mean to scare you or something." he said with a small laugh, it sounded almost mocking, though he could not be sure and Jace did not want to assume. He had enough with assumptions as of late. It did not stop the fact that Jace had a vague feeling that was exactly what he was intending to do, but he was not one to comment on it. Instead he just watched the other Herondale carefully, cataloging him in the same way that he knew that Will was doing to him. Will, thankfully, finally decided to pause a few feet from him. "So, what happened to you?" Jace tilted his head slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice coming out sharper then he intended. He instantly recoiled, having not intended to seem so defensive. It was a habit of his, and other then Valentine, everyone he knew had been on the receiving end of his clipped tone whenever a situation unnerved him and he was uncomfortable.

"Do not be like that." Will said, clicking his tongue annoyed. Though Jace supposed that he had a reason to  be. After all, there was not much that Will could do, but ask, considering nobody was exactly forthcoming. Jace swallowed nervously. Though he knew the other was not going to lash out, and Jace inwardly rolled his eyes at his emotional turmoil. "I saw that dark haired boy,"

"Alec," The correction was almost instinctual on his part. He had done the same with his father, though that had come across much worse then a merely annoyed look from the blue eyed man before him. He supposed in a way he should be grateful that this Will may have been annoyed, but he did not lash out at him or anything similar. 

"Right," Will said, rolling his eyes. "Alec. Anyways. I saw how many healing runes he put on you." Jace sighed inwardly, and with defeat. There was no way that he was going to be able to just walk away from this type of a question. Not to mention he supposed that he did sort of owe them at least a little bit of an explanation, he was just not ready for these questions. Which was utterly ridiculous as he should have thought that these questions would have come up sooner or later, and it was just his luck that it was now, instead of a few days from now which would have totally been way better. He would have been able to formulate a much better response, however, he also realized that shadowhunters were direct...at the most inconvenient times. This was not going to stop anytime soon, and as such, he was faced with a dilemma. Unfortunately he could not just leave without answering, as that would just make the old Herondale super frustrated and probably more persistent, something which Jace was not likely to enjoy. 

"Well," Jace felt his discomfort growing with every moment he stood there trying to think of what to say. "I was more or less kidnapped by a melomaniac, and Alec, when trying to rescue me, ended up getting himself kidnapped anyways, in a trap laid by my..." Jace froze, stopping his sentence instantly. "By said melomaniac, who was then used to threaten me. We managed to escape, but I am not entirely sure how." Jace sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I have no idea where we are, I just know that I cannot let him find us again." His tone became extremely somber, and Will just looked on with curious, keen eyes. 

"You are welcome to stay here, you know," Will said, grasping Jace on the shoulder. He meant to be comforting, Jace knew that, he knew that...even still...It did not help matters that Jace knew his intentions.

Jace jumped backwards, fear crashing through him like a tidal wave of emotions. Will's hand was removed when he jumped backwards, though he moved on autopilot, grabbed Will's hand and instantly William began to fight back. Jace grappled with the other man, his eyes flashing between gold and  blue as he fought with the elder Herondale.

It probably took less then seven minutes for Alec to run into the room, Jem right behind him as he did so. 

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