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"Oh, Magnus, would you cover me?" Meliorn asked suddenly, twisting around Magnus as he saw the Shadowhunters' group split up. The two dark haired boys and two blonde boys were grouped together. "I know how much you find the dark haired boy fascinating, and me, well, I have taken a liking to the little blonde angel boy. Naturally, it would be a shame if we could not talk to them more during this lovely evening do you not think?" Magnus wanted to huff and roll his eyes, but he knew that Meliorn was correct. he had taken a fascination towards Alec, for reasons that he could not quite explain. Meliorn having taken an interest in the blonde puppy was not really that surprising in some ways, and he knew as not a second later Alec and that other shadow hunter had started walking but a few feet behind the blonde group that if they were to truly talk to the two boys they would have to split them up somehow. It was not going to be easy. He himself had seen how crazy protective the older Shadowhunter was over his friend. 

"Very well," Magnus slowly agreed, causing Meliorn to give a smile. "But I leave you on your own to deal with your precious puppy's tag-a-long." Meliorn just smiled mysteriously, as a sort of...dark look entered his eyes. One that promised mischief and some interesting amusement. 

"I can handle their little attachment. Yet, you know as well as I that if your Hunter boy is not kept away from my hunter boy neither of us is going to truly have any chance to actually talk to them." Meliorn hummed softly as he watched Magnus' eyes drift over to the Alec boy. It was then that Meliorn mentioned it. "I think that they are possibly parabatai." Meliorn said gently, causing Magnus to start. 


"Oh, yes, I am quite sure. If what you claimed was true of that night." 

"Why would I lie?" Magnus questioned, staring at Meliorn who just shrugged elegantly. 

"Well, I cannot lie." Meliorn said with a mystic smile once more. "Who can trust the words of those who are more than capable of it?"

"You may not be able to lie, but you are better at twisting the words of all those around you." Magnus huffed, salty. "On the other hand, yes, what I said was true, but I did not see any parabatai runes on either boy, but again, I did not look either. I just used my magic to test for injuries. Your puppy is a disaster walking." Meliorn was not fazed by the words just tilted his head in Alec's direction, cuing Magnus to go. 

He did not waste time, wanting to get away from Meilorn, but the thought plagued him even as he began to interrupt Alec's procession towards the Puppy and his added person. Demon runes were hard to survive, much less on a Nephilim. Alec had looked to be in some pain as well, but not nearly enough. At first he had written it off as mental anguish, but could it have been more? He was not entirely certain how Parabatai worked, and he was not particularly close enough with any Nephilim to actually ask them about something like that. For instance, he knew that Will had a parabatai, Jem, but he did not know more than that. How parabatai worked, he was not aware, but he did know that parabatai pairs often fell more than they worked. To truly work, they had to be of one mind, one soul, and their intentions had to be the same. They had to work well together, before they even became parabatai, and they had to work at a higher level than it was common to be at. He could not say that he had met many parabatai pairs, he did not know of many throughout his years, and even speaking with other downworlders, or even Nephilim that came across him, such things were not overly common. 

That did not mean that they did not happen, though it was very rare to see more than a few parabatai pairs within each generation, and much less pairs that survived the Runeing, and beyond that still continued to work as well together afterwards managing to handle the sudden influx of everything. Being One soul and One Mind but two people was hard, Magnus knew. Despite that fact that Parabatai worked well because they were essentially two souls that bound themselves to their partner, that meant each partner had the emotions and physical repercussions of their partners. It was hard to get used to, after all. He was curious, now. Though he could not ask such a thing of them. He barely knew them, which left more and more questions, rather than answers. He truly wondered about these two, and he could not really get his mind off the questions that plagued him. 


"Get your hands off of me!" Jace hissed, shoving Will's arm off him for what had to be the millionth time. 

"Oh come on stop being so stand offish." Will huffed wrapping his arm once more around Jace's shoulders.

"If you are going to be so insuffereable go somewhere else!" Jace huffed, shoving him away from him. "I don't like people touching me."

"You allow Alec to do it all of the time, obviously you don't have too much of an issue. You even let Downworlders touch you without getting so upset. Why is it you have such a problem with me doing the same?" Will asked aggressively.

"Well I don't exactly know you, nor do I particularly like you!" Jace hissed. "You have been in my face and trying to pry answers from me, don't act like you haven't been, and I am not stupid enough that I can't see what you are doing, for that matter neither is Alec. You want information from us, which is probably why you bothered to even house us in the first place. What is it that you need information on so badly? Clearly there must be something!" Will sighed shaking his head and moved, grabbing his shoulder. Jace went to say something but before he could do anything he felt another arm wrap about him, this time pulling him into a different body and Will's arm fell away from him. Jace recognized the arm, recognized the feel, and relaxed against Meliorn. 

"I believe, if I heard correctly that is, the Little Angel asked you to keep your hands off." Jace yelped as Will moved forwards to grab him once more, angered at the interference of a downworlder daring to interject on what was supposed to be a private conversation. Will did not even manage to touch Jace before the other cowered back into the Fae, and the other instantly revered their positions, allowing Jace to hide behind him. 

Will was left staring in slight shock at a cowering, but clearly angered, Nephilim, allowing a Downworlder to handle the situation, taking refuge and comfort, and finding a safe space in the Knight of the Fae, and a suitably angered Fae.

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