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"My...underlings?" Camille questioned, turning her eyes towards the Vampire who was quaking under the full fury of a Nephilim. Jace had not passed his gaze from the young Vampire for more than a few moments, during which he had checked on Alec and glared at Camille. Both fully wonderful actions in his mind. He would not stop until this young vampire, however, was ripped apart. He wanted it done, and if they did not do it, he would do it himself, he would find a way. He had not cared much for the Clave and their actions before, he did not now, and he would not, ever really. He did not care if it went against the Accords. The Accords were stupidly limiting at the best of times anyways. "What did this one do?" Camille questioned blithely. 

"What does it matter?" Jace questioned, turning his golden flecked gaze upon the dreaded Vampiress. "What would you do?" 

"Well that does greatly depend upon what the accused has done, does it not?" Camille questioned lightly, as though the entire proceedings were beneath her, however, their little verbal battle had definitely caught attention, if a Nephilim going head to head with a Vampire had not attracted attention before it certainly was now that the Vampire in question was the Great Camille. 

"What did he do?" Jace questioned, his, temporary Alec knew, blue with golden sparked eyes were cast up to the ceiling before being directed once more at the pathetic excuse for a Vampire, Jace tilting his head as though questioning, but in all reality it was definitely mocking. "Would you like to explain what it is that you did?" Jace asked, his voice so obviously fake nice that it was leaving shivers down the spines of most there. The Vampire shakily attempted to recount what he had been doing but Jace growled, anger flooding through him. 

"Oh," Camille looked at him curiously. "Are you leaving something out, Underling?" She questioned, leaving the Vampire opening and closing his mouth, not really wanting to say more, but then again he had not had another choice as Jace spoke for him. 

"He touched what did not belong to him." Jace hissed, his shoulders raising and his teeth bared, Alec moved forwards, a bit shaky at seeing Jace like this, and knowing it was because of a mix of the torment Valentine had no doubt put him through, and the fear of loosing a Parabatai. Alec's own panic regarding the situation likely did not help matters either, and he knew more than anyone that Jace was in an incredibly unstable state at the moment. "Alec is mine," The words were said directly towards the Vampires, his head tilting slightly as he did so, the gold flooding through his eyes, leaving not a speck of blue, not wavering once. "Your little Vampire, put his fingers where they were not wanted, and not needed, causing Alec to panic, which of course is definitely not acceptable." Jace said with a wry laugh. "So...what are you going to do about your little Underling's inappropriate behavior? Or should I do it for you?" 

"You can't harm Downworlders, it is in the Accords." Jace scoffed, a laugh echoing on his chest and across the silent floor, causing many to feel ice slide down their body. 

"Oh, Camille, how little you know of the Accords. Even if I cared enough about our dearest Enclave to obey the accords blindly, you fail to read the last part of the sentence." He said with a smirk. 

"Jace, not now, it is fine, and I am okay, you know? No need to make things get bloody." 

"Stay out of it Alec," Jace ordered, his eyes turning back to stare at him, daring him to intervene again. 

"Jonathon," Alec spoke in a whisper, worry flooding through him. He wondered...at times like this, if Jonathon truly was a different part of Jace...he knew that there was no evidence to it, but...sometimes...like this...he did truly believe that they were different people. 

"Nice to see you recognized." Jace rolled his eyes. "I can't very well allow this, menace, to continue tormenting other people. Your mistake, was mistaking Alec for a mere Human. Not often Humans come to Magnus' parties, much less in groups...unless it is at his Pandalorium." He moved forwards, slowly. "Does this look like the Pandalorium to you?" He whispered softly, his eyes not leaving the local vampire's own.

"No," The vampire whimpered out. Camille darted forwards to stop his moving in on the Vampire but Jace caught her by the neck, not even looking at her. 

"I would suggest, you think carefully, about your next move." Jonathon stated, his eyes burning molten gold,  his gaze dragged from the Local to Camille, who inwardly shuddered. There was definitely something different about this Shadowhunter. "Tell you what. You punish this little creature here, and I won't rip his head off. Maybe. And you leave our dearest little Warlock of England alone." 

"What...I..." Camille coughed, sigils burning as they were activated on Jace's fingers. 

"What was that?" 

"You can't stop me from seeing Magnus." 

"Try me," Jace dared. 

"You aren't normal, are you?" 

"Who is normal in this world, Camille? You are a vampire, with some really bad behaved underlings. I am a Nephilim, nothing different from those around you now." Jace gave a small smirk to the Vampress. "However, I Just have a few...things up my sleeves, is all." 

"Jonathon, stop, you are going to kill her." Alec stated, moving forwards tentatively touching his shoulder. The gold flickered, a quarter of blue making its way in before disappearing once more. 

"Should I?" He whispered curiously. "She deserves it after all. Would be a death worth celebrating, and a good one too, Alec, you should know. We wouldn't have to deal with her pathetic self again, I think maybe that would be a positive. After all...many die...not many are worth dying...this one...this one would be, and you all know it even if you don't agree right away." Alec choked on the words that were coming from Jace's mouth. 

"Jonathon Morgenstern!" The words flew from Alec's mouth before he had time to think about them, and Camille was dropped, burns about her throat, as she hastily scrambled away from the two Shadowhunters. 

"That is enough, Jace, please," Alec whispered, his fingers tracing the sides of Jace's face eyes anxiously catching Jace's gold ones, allowing the other to close his eyes, fingers tracing his lashes. Alec softly hummed, a melody that never really failed to calm him, at least when he was anxious. He placed a hand on top of the rune across his ribs. "You are okay, and I thank you for protecting me, but this is not the time, nor the place. I think they learned their lesson." 

"Alec," The word was a whispered sentiment of reverence. Jace swallowed, his eyes fluttering open, still gold, but there was the blue still swirling in them as well, and Alec was able to finally breathe again. "Meliorn," The name was breathed out like nothing but a puff of air, but Alec knew...

"What?" Alec questioned a soft question on his lips. 

"Me...li...orn..." Jace's words were coming out in gasps, and Alec picked him up easily, not hesitating once he saw the gold rushing once more to overcome the blue, moving over to where he saw Meliorn and Magnus standing together, having watched the whole scene with great interest. 

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