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Alec was the one who intervened, agreeing. He knew that this conversation should include Meliorn. Jace felt comfortable around him, and enjoyed his company. Furthermore, Meliorn had managed to calm Jace down on multiple occasions, but seeing how easily Jace succumbed to Meliorn ever since they got there meant that Alec knew that any sort of rushed and hard conversation, like the one that Magnus wanted to have, needed to be done with Meliorn around. It was too dangerous because should they get in the wrong territory, they run the risk of...Alec mentally sighed.

"Yes, I will remind him as well, to make sure that you are informed." Alec said gently. His thoughts, however, were not nearly as untroubled as he would wish regarding the subject, despite being able to make it seem as though he was clear thought on the matter. Sometimes, Jace and Jonathon seem to be totally different people, and yet...I know that they are not, it is horribly confusing to try and understand. Whatever the case may be, in the end Meliorn seems able to handle Jace's Angelic side a lot easier than many others, therefore it would be best to have him around as much as possible. Though Alec also knew that it was unlikely to be possible to have Merliorn around all of the time, the other was suspiciously busy for a mere Knight of the Seelie Realm, and always had been. Alec was almost always surprised that he even managed to exit the realm as often as he did, and most of the time it was less Meliorn leaving as Alec suspected it was him sneaking out.

"Thank you, Alec. I have a feeling that this upcoming conversation will be quite informative, for both sides." He pulled himself to a standing position, gently tugging Jace up as he did so. Jace blinked, opening his eyes at the movement. Alec rushed to his side, moving his head to face him, a sigh of relief as he noticed his eyes were fully blue now. Meliorn noticed this, connecting it to the flashes of color that he saw at moments, but he was not sure why it would cause a sense of relief in the boy. There has to be something about when the boy's eyes flash that means that there is something wrong, but Meliorn is not entirely sure what the meaning behind it is. Perhaps, eventually, the boy will share it with him.

"Can we speak on this tomorrow, I do not think I can handle more today, furthermore, Jace and I do need to get back to the Institute. I will bring him back tomorrow, around midday, if that is acceptable?" Alec questioned, turning towards Magnus and then glancing at Meliorn. Both nodded idly. "Okay, good, for now Jace and I will be making our leave." Alec moved to leave but Magnus stopped them quickly.

"I can portal you there, that was something I told the other two dear Nephilim that I would do." Alec narrowed his eyes at him, but did not seem to not believe him, nor did he seem to hold them guilty of being untrustworthy. He merely sighed and nodded.

"Thank you, Magnus, I appreciate it." Alec muttered under his breath. Jace gave a glance towards Meliorn.

"I will make sure that we get you before we talk" Jace said gently. He turned more towards Meliorn. "You...will show up, right?" Meliorn detected the hesitancy in his voice and merely nodded once.

"I will show up once I am called for," He said simply, moving forwards, Alec surprisingly moving to the side to give him room. He stopped before him, pulling his head up gently, tucking his nails under his chin to pull his head to his eyes. "I will give Magnus permission to portal in and out of the Seelie realm to get me, if necessary. Just once, though," He said, side eyeing the warlock sternly. "And only for this one instance." He turned back towards Jace. "I would not miss this conversation, after all, there is much to be learned." Jace nodded, becoming slightly more relaxed and letting Alec pull him away from the Seelie.

"That's enough now," He said simply. "Magnus, if you could please." Magnus gave Alec a nod, opening a portal easily, letting the two Shadowhunters to step through it, the portal snapping shut behind them. Alec turned his gaze onto Jace, affecting a stern gaze as he did so. "What...exactly was that?" He questioned firmly. Jace glanced towards him, rolling his eyes slightly.

"I seem to be confused as to what you are asking." Alec leveled an unimpressed glare at Jace's declaration.

"You know full well what I am talking about Jace, don't play with me." Jace huffed, but gave in, as per the norm.

"I just...I can't help it. Meliorn is just so..."

"Interesting? Unique? Pretty?" Alec questioned relentlessly. Jace flinched slightly.

"I just..." Jace paused, not really sure what he should say to him. 

"How about we start with when you started finding males attractive." Jace flushed at that.

"Meliorn is attractive, you can't deny that." Jace argued. Alec rolled his eyes this time, at the obvious statement.

"Of course he is, anyone with eyes can tell that. Seelie are literally meant to be attractive. It is within their very DNA and lights the blood in their veins. All Seelie are attractive in some way shape or form. You know that better than I."

"You are...Too..." Jace muttered under his breath, but Alec pretended not to hear that. He knew Jace thought that. He could feel Jace's emotions after all.

"Jace, what happened between you and Meliorn?" He questioned, his words demanding and strict. Jace fidgeted, uncomfortable at the line of questioning, but he knew that Alec deserved some answers, and they could not do this once they were within the Institute.

"We connected on Father's ship." He admitted softly. "I don't know how," He added quickly, before Alec could even ask. "We just did, somehow. I can't even be sure it was him and not some sort of....apparation of Father, but it did not feel like it. It was different. Quite literally the only thing that kept me from caving to Father sooner. Therefore, I do highly doubt that he was in the know about it from the beginning. He did, however, come rather close to figuring it out. I am not sure what tipped him off, anyways...It does not matter in the end."

"There is more to it than that." Alec stated simply. Jace winced at the blunt truth. 

"I don't know, Alec, truly. I just feel...Calm, around him. It is like, similar, not the same, to how you felt around Magnus the first time. He just makes me feel..." Alec shook his head, he did not need to know more.

"It's fine, Jace, I get it." Meliorn makes him feel safe, protected, and special. Just like Magnus had, when I first met him. Just like I do, at times, with Jace, and even as Magnus does with Jace. Why is Jace so bloody complicated sometimes? "I understand, there is nothing to be ashamed about that. If Meliorn makes you feel safe and at ease, then I cannot blame you."

"He helps keep That in check, too," Jace admitted, the words scared him even as he said it. Even the way Jace talks about the situation....Alec shook the thoughts off, he would probably confer with Magnus or Meliorn eventually on the situation. It would be good to get more information. 

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