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"I see, well I can understand how that would be rather agitating." Meliorn said with a fleeting smile. "My kin do something similar, in a way, I suppose, with myself." Jace knew that, he had seen it happen more than once, which was why Meliorn just being some Knight did not make sense and he knew for a fact that there was more to the story than that, but he also knew that it had never been his place to pry either. 

"I understand that they want to know, but them reacting like this is really just getting Alec and I frustrated. We cannot swear to answer all of their questions, or to be forthright, but we are not liars, we won't lie to them." Jace huffed, rolling his eyes as he glared back to were Will had left. Meliorn turned his face back towards himself, gently tilting it up, a nail under his chin. 

"Well, in that case, perhaps you should speak with Alec, and talk to the Institute's head. I heard that would be the proper way to go about things...right?" Jace nodded.

"Yes, but..." He shook his head. "Sometimes it is not that simple. Shadowhunters are...frustrating. Barring that, I am almost quite certain that they are working on the Head's orders, which means that I cannot just walk up to them and tell them that they need to cut things off with their meddling. Alec and I don't have anywhere else to go, and we can't very well go wandering around a city we have no clue of how to survive in." Meliorn hummed, allowing his nail to trail the side of Jace's face. 

"I would take you back to the Seelie realm," Jace gave Meliorn a slight laugh. "I am sure that both you and Alec would be most welcomed if you came as my guests." Jace had no question of that, for whatever Meliorn was, low ranking was not among that list.

"Oh dear, while I love the Seelie realm, and adore the practices within, I am fairly certain Alec would be..." Jace paused, mid conversation with Meliorn, who was watching him curiously. His eyes fazed out just for a bit, fingers twitching and he blinked, his eyes clearing and a slightly panicked look overcoming him. He jerked backwards, turning on his heel and dashing through the throng of people who were shuffling around the mansion, not even sparing them a look. Meliorn, a bit confused and just a bit concerned, followed Jace easily through the people, who made more room for him then they did for Jace, who did not seem to have an issue with that as he was still faster than Meliorn despite it. It was impressive, but also agitating as it meant he almost lost sight of him a few times. The blonde was definitely more than capable of blending in, which was sort of a thing for Shadowhunters at times, but it was still an impressive skill, considering the natural feel that it had about it. It was done far better than many shadowhunters that he knew, and he knew...quite a few. 

He correctly assumed whatever it was that had jolted Jace away from him, it had something to do with Alec, merely confirming his suspicions even further that Jace and Alec were more than just a pair of Shadowhunters, as Jace pulled Alec backwards prying the fingers of a Downworlder off his friend, turning to being facing off with one of the local Vampire Coven. Meliorn stopped following the Shadowhunter and proceeded to glance around the room anxiously to see that Magnus had been preoccupied with a few wayward Fae, which was not exactly surprising as he sighed and walked closer to Magnus, leaving the situation for the moment to Jace, knowing that he could handle it should it come down to it, wanting to get Magnus' attention sooner rather than later. He was the only one who was able to actively do anything like, throw people out after all considering it was his party in the first place. 

It was impressive how fearlessly the little Shandowhunter faced down a powerful being just because his friend, or whatever it was that Alec truly was, was in danger, or felt in danger. He would definitely have to share his findings with Magnus, it made for something quite curious. He knew that Shadowhunters were fearless, most of the times, but this was bordering on just reckless, as in case it was not obvious, this was a Downworlder party. Though he supposed the boy was not really working on logic. He made it to Magnus, tapping him on the shoulder, and tilting his head towards the commotion that was quickly gaining more and more attention of the people around the little face down. Magnus made a surprised sound, before rushing over with Meliorn. 


Jace liked talking with Meliorn, he brought this sense of calm confidence to a conversation that had Jace relaxing. He did not know what it was, perhaps it was more Meliorn as a whole, as he did seem to have this whole comforting thing going on, but any conversation that he had with Meliorn, particularly considering...well, it was usually nice and left him feeling energized. It was an enjoyable experience, and he was actually quite grateful for Meliorn chasing Will off, so he supposed it would only be the right thing to stay and have a small conversation with the Fae. He had no problems about it, the other was quite charming after all, and they were able to seemlessly drift in conversations. He did not have to take the lead on them, and more often then not he just felt comforted and safe among Meliorn, Magnus as well, actually. They were two DownWorlders that Jace could never really...hate...and hurt when he thought that they hated him. Then again it was not as though he had much of a chance to worry about that considering his father sort of...kidnapped him, more or less, not too long after that. Barring that, it was not like he needed them, they just felt comfortable at times.

However, it was right in the middle of the conversation that he felt something, Alec...and he stopped, ripping himself, literally and figuratively, away from Meliorn to rush to where Alec was. He was not entirely sure where Alec was, but he did not need to know either, allowing his instincts to guide him. He had learned long ago that his instincts were probably the strongest thing that he had, and he was more than glad to hone them like this. Trusting them to take him to Alec so he could fix whatever was freaking the other out. 

He burst behind Alec, snatching him swiftly, prying the Vampire who dared touched his Parabatai away from his Soul Brother, pulling Alec around behind him, and glaring at him. He easily stared the Vampire down, his eyes flecked with gold, showing his lack of entire control, the Angel peering through him without permission. He did not stop it, this time, like he normally would. 

"Oh?" Jace full on growled at that sound. Camille, the problematic Vampire. She had always been quite Problematic but in the end, he did not care whatever shit she was planning on spilling, he was concerned about Alec, and that was all that he truly cared for at this current moment. "What is going on here?" Jace did not even grace her with a response, ignoring her entirely. Alec had told him what she had done to Magnus after the fact, and he definitely had an issue with her more than just what the Clave had issues with. 


Magnus was not prone to fits of great emotions, but he knew that there were moments. He had never seen Magnus so emotional as when Camille came back into town, and it really threw him until he realized what she had done to him, and then he understood it more than he cared to. He sighed in his mind, but outwardly kept his attention on Alec, who was staring at Camille with a level of anger and hatred that screamed personal. Jace knew that he could not help it, and to some extent, he could not either. 

"Camille, the infamous Vampire." Jace said with a strained smile. "Perhaps you should keep your underlings a bit on a tighter lease?" 

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