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Will and Jem watched the two carefully as they contemplated what they should do moving forwards. The two recluse Shadowhunters  had fallen asleep, presumably a while ago, and when Will and Jem had woken up they came out to see this. They had thought that Magnus had offered to ready rooms but then again, it would not necessarily be surprising if Alec had truly refused to even contemplate moving an inch the entire night, given how over protective it was that Alec seemed to be over Jace. Even Will was not that protective over Jem. There was definitely something else going on, though what it was...neither really knew. It was rather interesting to watch. Alec seemed to spend his entire being to ensuring that Jace was okay. It was also the same in inverse, at least from what they had first witnessed.

Then again...those wounds. It was not something that either of them could just...let lie, they had been pretty severe, and it did in some way explain the overprotective nature that Alec seemed to have for Jace. It was understandable to be protective over someone when they have been tortured by someone that you thought, or that you should be able to, trust. 

Jem dropped against the wooden lining of the door as he glanced up at Will, who was just leaning against the wall as they both watched the sleeping boys. They were...somewhat concerned. After what Magnus had said, they knew that they were not really going to be getting any information out of them. It was useless to really push too much, because they both knew that it would only succeed in driving the boys further into themselves, and away from them, which considering how distrustful that they were already of them they both knew that more was not what they needed...even still, it was like what Charlotte had said. What was not said can be more telling than what is said at times. This was one of those instances where them obtaining willing information was just incredibly unlikely. The only reason that they were given names was because it would be rude not to do so. Especially considering the fact that they had already given their own.

"Do you really think...Someone was using them and having them fight in battle, or forcing them to do so against their will to the point that they just got used to it, or maybe they don't even realize how bad it is to have Nephilim fight so young?" Jem asked, his wide eyes watery. Will sighed heavily, eyes downcast.

"Unfortunately, I cannot say no. Magnus would be far more aware of injuries that were sustained, you know how thorough he is, and his magic would be able to detect things that we just would not be able to see." Will slumped down to join Jem on the floor. "Plus...I mean you saw the amount of Iratzes. The two are clearly traumatized. It would explain...a lot. Jace literally freaked out the moment I even started walking towards him, let alone when I tried to comfort him." Jem cut his eyes over to William.

"You should not have done that," He said simply ignoring the offended sound that Will gave towards his statement. "That was what caused the issue in the first place." Will groaned and leaned his head back against the door. He could not even defend himself, or deny that fact as they both knew that it was true. 

"I know, I know, I should have given him a bit of space." He admitted a sigh echoing through his lips as he petulantly looked towards the sleeping teens. "I just could not stop thinking about what Charlotte said."

"We need information on them, but not right away. We have to let them get settled and comfortable first. Especially given the depth of their trauma. Whatever happened to those two, it was bad. More than bad. They do not trust us either. They are grateful, I mean that is obvious, but it is like they are just waiting for the second shoe to drop, and for us to turn on them." Jem stated, giving Will another way of seeing things. One which, as per usual, Will was unable to argue against. 

"Well, they don't really know us." Will conceded. "You are right...Perhaps we should have taken a lighter approach, or rather, I should have taken a lighter approach. I just did not expect him to react so violently." 

"That is true, but we are shadowhunters." Jem implored. "Have you ever seen Shadowhunters, especially ones so young, harbor such a fear and mistrust of other shadowhunters." Will breathed in to reply, but paused, thinking about it.

"Now that you mention it..."

"You haven't." Jem stated with utter certaintly. Will just nodded in response. "Something happened. And whatever it is, whoever they are hiding from, I will bet is a Shadowhunter. Probably someone with influence, with power." Jem shook his head slowly. Sadness warred in his eyes. "It is...horrible. Really." Will sunk down, arms folded across his chest.

"We are going to have to protect them, for now. That needs to be our priority."

"There is another problem." Jem yelped while Will growled in response to the Lightwood.

"How the hell did you even get in here?"

"I let them in." Magnus said, sliding up with amused eyes. Will rolled his eyes at the meddling warlock. They should have figured the Lightwoods would try and find them once more, and honestly, the day had not started off to a good start either. Will was beginning to have a rather sour mood.

"Of course you would." He muttered under his breath. Gideon and Gabriel just ignored them.

"Anyways, even if they are young, they are going to probably try and do something. We can't exactly keep them locked in the institute." Will narrowed his eyes.

"And how..."

"I updated them." Will sputtered, once again as he was cut off by the Warlock. Magnus just inwardly laughed and Will glared at him furiously.

"Look, if they are used to fighting, they are not going to just stop." Gideon said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "And it is not like we can force them to stay holed up in the institute either."

"So what do you suggest?" Will hissed. "Let them come along?"

"Why not?" Gabriel asked, daring Will to say more. "At the very least we will be able to keep an eye on them instead of them sneaking off."

Will groaned. This was just getting more and more annoying as the time went by.

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