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Alec was not sure what to do now that he had two sets of eyes on him, watching his every move. It was unnerving, and he did not really know what to make of it, especially ocnsidering Jace was almost straight up passed out in Meliorn's arms. Normally this would not bother him. Interrogations were something that he was a professional at, both at executing them and at being through them himself. He had faced odds far worse than this and come out on top, but then again, these were not just any people. This was Magnus, a person that he cared for deeply. Someone that he, although not in this time but in his own, had quite the amount of awe and trust and belief in. It was hard, very hard, to try and ignore when Magnus wanted to know something. It had been something that had gotten him in trouble more than a few times, but he had always figured that Magnus would come first.

This was not his Magnus, though, and as hard as it was to remind himself of that, he had to do so. it was just frustrating for him, because this Magnus was so similar to his own, and the love and care that he had developed for his magnus kept causing him to loose sight of the single, very important fact, that this was NOT his Magnus. This person did not know him, did not really have any regard for him, at least not the same sort of care and love that his Magnus had for him. This Magnus had not seen him break down and cry when Jace had gone missing. This Magnus was nothing like his own, they did not have the memories...

But for some unknown, and quite frankly highly agitating, reason Alec was having difficulty seperating the two. He knew what Jace would tell him at this moment, that it was normal because this was technically Magnus, it was just a different Magnus. That it was understandable that Alec was having trouble keeping the two separate and that it was okay. However, Jace was not technically able to contribute anything to Alec's own inner thoughts, even if he could feel them humming through their bond. Alec wanted to rend his hair out from just how frustrating this entire situation had become. He could not though...There were more things that he had to do and getting through one lousy interrogation was just the beginning of it.

He breathed in carefully, keeping eyecontact with Magnus, who was tapping his fingers against his arm as though waiting for Alec to say something. Alec did not know...he did not know what to say though. As a matter of fact, it was hard to even really think about the entire situation that had happened. He had been surprised to see Jace loose himself so easily. He knew that Jace was on edge, and had been since his father had taken him from them, but it was still hard to see just how much this was affecting Jace. It was hard to accept the fact that...Alec...Alec did not know if Jace was ever really going to be okay after this.

"Now, Sweetheart, this is not the time to delay the inevitable. If you do not want to tell me I will figure it out myself." Magnus stated, his voice calm, but the threat was obvious. Alec was being given a chance to come clean before Magnus went about and started up trouble trying to figure more things about the two of them. Alec supposed he could not fault Magnus for the lengths that he was going. He understood the other far more than he cared to admit and he knew that Magnus was more than willing to go ham and figure things out himself.

"I..." Alec sighed, closing his eyes tightly to try and rid himself of the stress that this situation was causing. It did not work but it was worth the try. "I am not sure...how much Jace really wants to let other people know, but I suppose I can tell you some of it, just...don't tell the other Nephilim, or the Enclave." Both Meliorn and Magnus seemed a bit surprised at the request, but nodded nonetheless, agreeing to keep it silent. Alec sighed, trying to think on what exactly he could say, without giving away too much information. "Jace's father is not...a very nice person. He abandoned him to me and my parents when he was young. I...I took care of him. We became extremely close. About six months ago, Jace's father came back, out of nowhere. All of us thought he was dead, but...it would seem that was not the case. His...His father broke into the Institute, and held me and my sister and younger brother hostage. Jace left with him in order to protect us all." Alec let out a shaky sigh. "I spent months trying to find him. When I finally did, he was...not himself anymore. Jace has always had trouble dealing with everything his father had done to him. The engrained training of ridiculous hours, the need to perfect everything, the fear and when I got him, he was...terrified. He didn't even think I was real. I can't even imagine the things that must have been done to him. The amount of Runes I needed to heal even the most surface injuries was...horrifying." Alec paused, getting a hold of his emotions before continuing. "The next thing I know we are in some battle field and Jace is unconscious and...well we were lucky that we didn't run into Jace's father. I have no idea where the man is, or if he knows where we are or anything. We asked for asylum at the institute here, but I do not know how long that will last." Alec gave a helpless shrug of his shoulders. "Whatever Jace's father did to him...I do not know. Jace refuses to speak about it, and it is rare that he even mentions his past at all. What little I've heard is...not...good...at all." Alec shook his head. "I just know...he likes to experiment. I don't care to know what he experiments with, but looking at Jace, it is sort of obvious nonetheless."

"Experiments with Nephilim." Meliorn whispered, both Magnus and Meliorn looked horrified. It was an expected reaction he supposed. It was not every day that someone tells you that some Nephilim tortured his son and experimented on them.

"I mean in the end, it isn't exactly that shocking." Alec sighed out. "Jace's father is a total monster." He shuddered at the thoughts of what had happened to Jace.

"That explains a lot, but not one thing." Magnus sighed out. Alec tilted his head questioningly. "How did Jace know that you were distressed?" Meliorn nodded at Magnus' question, his fingers continuing to sooth down Jace's hair. The other had already passed out in the middle of Alec's explaination. Alec huffed. Typical.

"We are Parabatai." Alec said his eyes narrowing at the look that Magnus gave Meliorn. "What of it?"

"Parabatai are not overly common." Meliorn answered. Alec rolled his eyes at that. He was more than well aware of that. Finding someone that you trusted enough to potentially become Parabatai with was not easy. Even then, once you did find someone to find a good pair? that was harder, and even more so when one had to contemplate the fact that most Parabatai potentials don't survive the binding ceremony.

"What of it?" Alec hissed, his eyes narrowing. 

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