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Jace did not leave Alec's side for a moment after waking, hiding behind him as Magnus let his magic wave over the young Shadowhunter. He was testing to ensure that everything was alright, ans he really did not want to take chances. Though the Shadowhunter was stiff and his heart was beating slightly fast that would be normal as he was likely nervous, but Magnus did not really know what could have happened with the Rune that was used on him. Not knowing what was going to happen, or what he should do with the current situation so as such it was not exactly too shocking that part, Magnus just did what he felt would be best and assessed him once again. Most of his injuries had been catalogued already but even still Magnus almost faltered at the readings once again. He may not be overly fond of Shadowhunters at the best of times, but these were Shadowhunters below the required age and so it was hard to see that there was so many injuries, some which were painfully obvious that they had been obtained in demon battles. He refocused himself and ended the spell, giving the two young Shadowhunters a glittering smile as he did so.

"Jonathon is all well now, or at least, as well as he can be." He stated, watching as the blonde flinched slightly at the full name.

"Just Jace, is fine," The other said curtly, unable to look at Magnus as he did so. The Warlock just sighed softly and gave Alec a small smile, when he saw the warning glare in his eyes.

"Jace then," Magnus corrected elegantly. "I must admit, I was rather shocked to find my house suddenly overrun by Shadowhunters." Jace startled, looking around sharply as he saw...the house really was overrun. Him, Alec, there was that Will guy, his friend, and those two Lightwood siblings. He bit his lower lip almost bordering on shy. Truly, Jace had not thought that they would have been forced into a situation like this, and he was surprised that they had not just gone to the Seelie realm, though Alec did make a better call on that one. The Seelie realm was dangerous at the best of times, and especially considering he technically did not have any pull or sway anymore. Furthermore, Alec was never the best at handling their riddle like nature. Jace was, he enjoyed the Seelie people more than most others. 

"I am sorry, about that Magnus." He admitted softly, not really sure what else he can do but just apologize for running over his house, even if it was accidental. "I assure you that was not my intent. Thank you again, for you help. I do hope that we have not caused too much trouble for you." 

Magnus just...could not help it. He was not ashamed to say that he could not help but stare at the two Shadowhunters. One shadowhunter thanking him and worrying about his situation with helping them was one thing. Will was one of those few Shadowhunters that would come to him for help, and even then his behavior was not the most...polite. Two Shadowhunters coming to ask for his help, and thanking him for it afterwards? That was different. Though the Shadowhunters did at time ask for his aid, William for instance came every so often, however thanking him and hoping that they did not cause too much trouble? That was different. He was surprised enough when Alexander had done it, but when Jonathon had as well? He could not help but be horribly surprised. It was just not something he was accustomed to. He still gave the two a smile.

"It was no trouble," He spoke gently, as though worried that one wrong word would cause the other to take their own back. It was insane just how much those sort of words meant to him. He had been alive for a long while, and this was still something that he could not get over. Jace turned to give him a smile, his eyes bright.

"I am grateful for you. Perhaps we could speak more at a different time. I owe you." Magnus just laughed a bit. He could not help but feel a bit uncomfortable at such a declaration. 

"That is not necessary....Really. I was happy to help." Jace shook his head, hair flooding just over his eyes as he stared up at Magnus from where he was behind Alec, peering over the black haired boy's shoulder.

"No. I insist. Please. I..." Jace stopped looking away. "I would feel bad otherwise. I feel as though I should thank you somehow. As it is, I have nothing to give you but my company. If you do not wish..."

"That was not what I meant," Magnus said firmly, moving over to bend down, staring at the other's bright eyes that had dimmed ever so slightly. Jace gave him a tense smile, "If you want to thank me so badly, than I would be more than willing to accommodate you." Jace looked at him, fingers gripping Alec's sides tightly.

"And Alec?" He whispered, nerves flooding through him. Magnus gave him a smile.

"And Alec. How about this. I have a...get together, with myself and quite a few other people, a party, if you will, in two days time. Perhaps you and your young friend would be willing to come?" Alec was about to speak but Jace cut him off.

"Of course we would." Magnus smiled folding his fingers together as he stood.

"Wonderful. Then I shall see the both of you in a little bit won't I?" He said with a good natured laugh and a smile ushering the group of Shadowhunters to the front door. Jace nodded and pulled Alec along with him, dragging the other swiftly through the house out the door and into the street. He made sure that they were far enough away from the other Hunters that they would not have to worry about the others overhearing them. 

"That was jarring." He stated, staring at Alec. "I can't believe that you actually went to Magnus..." 

"What are you thinking?" Alec groaned softly. "You don't actually want to go to one of his parties do you?" Alec whispered out. "You know full well, something always goes wrong when we go to one of Magnus' parties. Last time my mother showed up, and the time before that a mundane ended up becoming a vampire." Jace rolled his eyes fondly.

"What do you mean? You know it would be wrong to refuse. I can't very well just...take his offer of help and willing aid for granted. I never can and I never will." Alec sighed shaking his head and clicked his tongue distastefully. 

"The last time we went to..."

"Yeah, well that was then. This is now."

"What happens if..."

"They rarely come out from their underground rock. Alec. I am sure. I will be fine. Certainly." Alec just rolled his eyes and sighed.

There was not much that he could do. Either way they had already agreed, more or less, and to not show up now would be a slight on their part to Magnus. Something which would definitely not do. He dragged Jace forwards, ignoring the fact that the other shadowhunters were struggling to catch up to them, and into the dreary streets of London, rushing off.

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