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Meliorn walked off once he noticed the other Nephlim watching the two of them, though it was obvious that the boy had not noticed himself, something which made him quite amused. It was not every day that a Nephilim became enthralled with him, at least to the point of utterly ignoring the rest of their surroundings. Especially not one he had not had in an intimate nature. Though it was more common for those to become somewhat obsessed with him after such a case, he would definitely know if he had bedded this unique Nephilim. He was a particular beauty. There was something infinitely more...holy about him, than perhaps the others he was used to. The trust that he had seen in his eyes, was something Meliorn was not sure that he would get used to having ever seen before. 

"I see you have taken an interest in one of our half angels." Magnus came sliding up next to Meliorn who gave a small smile but did not say anything. He could not lie, though it would not be hard to manipulate to truth a little, he found himself preferring the lapse into silence as opposed to another reason. Magnus turned to look at him sideways a glint in his eyes that meliorn was...accustomed to being shown to other downworlders. "You are interested in the blonde," Meliorn just shrugged not stating a clear yes or no. Magnus just rolled his eyes at the customary nonanswer of the fae. "Just because you do not verbally admit it does not mean I cannot tell." Magnus teased with a smile. He contemplated, before deciding, it was technically his responsilbity. "That boy, the blonde, who caught your eyes. He is...unique."

"I could tell," Meliorn said simply, almost looking amused with the conversation if Magnus did not know better. Meliorn had been alive for almost as long as he had, they knew each other too well to be able to know that the trace emotions were not always the immediate ones that should be paid attention to.

"That Nephilim, had another Nephilim, with consent, draw a demon rune on him." Mangus said, watching with amusement as it had the exact effect that he wanted. Meliron stared at him in worry, a bit anxious. He had known that the boy had survived a demon rune, from what Magnus had said, he had not been aware that the Nephilim had consented to allowing the rune to be drawn on him. 

"He is still standing after that." It was not a question. Rather, it was a statement. An observation if nothing more. The fact that he was still standing and able to wander about so soon after being placed under the affects of a Demon Rune was quite impressive. What worried Meliorn was not necessarily that, though, it was a far more complex problem then that, thought he told himself that he would study the boy to ensure that he was truly okay, and not just faking it. Shadowhunters, he knew, had a pesky ability to hide vital injuries and it was quite annoying.

"In his defense," Magnus felt compelled to intervene. "I do not believe he knew precisely what the Rune did. Or rather, I do not believe he cared all that much. According to his little friend, the rune was only used by his father beforehand. It was the first time he had ever used it, and he was told to do it only at a specific time, Alec, his friend, did not seem to know what exactly the Rune did, although the other boy did not seem all that shocked."

"You think he purposefully hid the nature of the rune from his friend?" Meliorn questioned. It was a rather leap of a conclusion to make. Especially since it was obvious how close the two young Shadowhunters were. Furthermore rune knowledge was not idly kept from the eyes of other Nephilim. There were always reasons.

"It is the only thing that I can think of. The boy did not seem to be happy about what the rune did, in fact he seemed rather shocked and terrified, and had rushed him over here panicked. The blonde boy you are oh so obsessed with seemed to have expected the effects when he finally woke up. It was also apparently him that told him to get the help of a Warlock or Seelie should the rune ever be used." That caught Meliorn's attention, the other thinking over the information carefully. "Which as I know, is the only reason he is actually alive at the moment. So he clearly knew what the Rune did, and what he needed to remain somewhat intact." 

"What rune was it?" Meliorn wondered. He gave Magnus a look before Magnus could bother to even say anything. "I know you know what it was. You probably kept a record of it. The fact that Demonic runes are being used against Nephilim youth, that is not a good thing. If anything, it is likely a cause for immediate disaster. That is besides the entire fact that some Nephilim has managed to figure out a demonic rune at all, which is quite concerning, I think you will agree."

"I know what rune it is. Not a good one either. How he even knew the rune in the first place, I do not want to know, the fact that he had been placed under the rune multiple times and is not permenentely damaged is what is surprising to me. As far as from Alec had stated, it would seem as though his father drew the rune on him more than once. Though this was the first time he had to do it."

"Well, it would seem as though more information would definitely be needed." Magnus nodded to Meliorn's statement. The other was right. The entire situation, though they seemed to have let it go, would definitely not be sidelined. It was a vast crime to teach demonic runes to Nephilim, for multiple reasons. They were sacredly kept secrets. The fact that any rune was figured out by a shadowhunter was concerning, and they would need to figure out just how many had been found. "You invited him and his friend over to your party, though, I have to admit that I am a bit shocked at that." Magnus shrugged.

"The two thanked me, profusely. You should have seen it. I was horribly uncomfortable. They were talking about debts and things." Magnus fake shuddered. "You know how I feel about such things." Meliorn sighed forelornly.

"I still do not understand why you seem to have such a thing against debts. They are so easily accumulated."

"You never know. Perhaps that is exactly the problem I have with them." 

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